Energy consumed Grid Calculation Setting

I mentioned it a year ago, but now I’m making a feature request.
In Germany, the EVU doesn’t care whether I return electricity from my balcony solar power system - so the total “net consumption from the grid” in HA is completely wrong.
HA subtracts “Return to Grid” from “Consumed from Grid” - that doesn’t make sense - or HA has to give us settings that let us choose what behavior we want.

I hope I describe the problem as best as I can and you know what I mean.

Old Thread:

This seems like a reasonable request. For now, if all you care about is the final number, you could add another energy consumption sensor that is a template sensor based on your solar export.


Consumption: 1 + Solar: -2 = -1 (exported 1 unit), need to negate the export for a final pretty number.

Gross hack

Consumption: 1 + Solar: -2 = -1 + Negate export: (extra consumption to balance the final number out) 1 = 0 exported units.

This of course will throw off actual consumption, you’d need to create another template sensor to correct that and use the template sensor as the source of your energy dashboard consumption. So a giant PITA, but doable.

This is just food for thought to get you through for now until a native solution is implemented.

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