Energy Dashboard / Hot & Cold Water

It would be great, if the Energy Dashboard could make a difference between cold- and hot water.

There are several options on how to track the Water-Usage:

  1. Read the total Water consumtion from your Meter (this will be your only source for the dashboard)
  2. Install different meters on different supplies - and add them to get the total amount of water consumtion.

in case 2 it would be great, if you could configure the meter with an additional option:
Cold Water / Hot Water

The Graph will display the consumtion with a blue / red color like this (but of course with replaced colors^^)

maybe, also somehow relevant:

If the coloring of the bar is the main concern here, just letting you know you can change the colors for individual sets using themes. So I think if you add two sources, and change the color for hot water, you’re mostly there.

hm… I am not sure, if this will work as expected.
Afaik, you can define the bar-colors for the chart but taking the chart from the energy usage as example, Grid is “blue” / solar “yellow”…

I can only change the colors for Grid / Solar - and they will then use a differen schema based on my settings.
And for water, this is exactly the same - since I cannot setup a “cold water” meter and a “hot water” meter.
Both would just be 'water" - and therefore using the color defined in the theme.

I will try to setup an example, just need to create a “demo meter”

You can color each water source individually. Add two sources for water, a cold water entity (1st) and a hot water entity (2nd).

Set two theme variables:

–energy-water-color-0: blue
–energy-water-color-1: red

oh okey :slight_smile:
This was indeed something, I didn’t know :slight_smile:

I will give it a try - thx