Energy Dashboard: Settings are not available since 2 days

Since 2-3 days I miss the energy dashboard settings and the recording of the defined sensors which are defined on the setting side. Strange!

My System is running on a NUC with the following SW:

  • Core. 2024.7.1
  • Supervisor 2024.06.2
  • Operating System 12.4
  • Frontend 20240705.0

In the attached hardcopies you can see the missing data and the missing settings.

I assume that there must be a relationship with latest Core- or Supervisor updates?

Does anybody knows this problem and has an idea for solving it. Thanks in advance for your support.


Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-06 um 00.08.29

Thank you very much for the support. I am using iCloud3, so read all necessary information. In the mean time @gcobb321 provided a new file for the Repo on GitHub. This is working for me. THX to Gary.

The only problem for me is the missing recorded data between HA update to 2024.7 and repairment yesterday night (3 days). :man_shrugging:


Changes to HA effected the recorder hack that was used to be able to dynamically filter entities from the HA log. This is a known issue and will be addressed in a future update

I don’t understand the purpose of your post. That is exactly what the PSA says. There is also an additional issue further into the topic.

Sorry. My reply was meant for @tomdidi as a reply to a question he asked about an iCloud3 recorder issue that will require an iCloud3 update to fix an issue created in 2024.7.

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Sorry for being misunderstood. I was very glad to find a solution for my problem, that I could not enter the settings of the Energy Dashbord. So I followed the advices of @tom_l, (see post # 2) to look at iCloud3 which I am using. On GitHub I followed the u usage of the fix by @gcobb321 and now my problems regarding Energy Dashboard are solved.

And in my post # 3 last paragraph I only would express that Gary always works very fast and precise. Maybe that my poor english evokes a misunderstandig and unfriendlyness. This is my target in the community, sorry.

Could you lot pleas stop needlessly tagging me. Thanks.