Energy Dashboard Support for Solar Panels OUTSIDE the Mains

The subject line, along with this question on the forums (Energy Distribution Card Reporting Incorrect Data) says it all. My solar feed is outside of my main feed, due to the fact that we ALSO have a generator (and solar backfeeding the generator would be bad).

The default Energy Dashboard assumes that the solar feed is INSIDE the mains, so it adds the energy inbound from Solar to that which is inbound from the mains CT sensor. However, in a generator configuration, this is incorrect. Instead, the Solar energy should be SUBTRACTED from the mains sensor. During night-time operations, this will result in a positive energy usage as expected. During periods of high solar production, this will result in a negative energy usage, as more energy is pushed back onto the grid (assuming grid-tie). Further, the animated “Energy” graphic will need to be updated to show this negative flow, if that doesn’t work already.