Energy Management in Home Assistant

thanks for the idea - I am trying to avoid buying yet another set of gadgets to do a job that the original units should do. I am talking with SMA about this and my solar installer. If I find a better solution I will post.

there’s a Home Assistant modbus integration that talks to a number of inverters, why can’t that talk to all 3 SMA inverters that you have…Read the MPPT power directly into HA and into your solar production in your energy dash…Bonus, each inverter is likely to have at least 2 strings, so graphing all 6MPPT’s will look much cooler in the dash and also give interesting data at different times of the year when your panels work differently.
Also, there seems to be a number of Sonnen battery integrations.
Finally, if you can’t read the new inverter, what’s different? - could it be a simple addressing issue? - i.e. two devices may have the same ID,

Do you have metering installed for all 3 inverters?

I have two Sungrow inverters, both happily chirping out MODBUS data for all 4 of my MPPT’s

On this parameter

Electricity meter represent the reading of the counter of the house. It’s the absolute value on the counter at that moment.

For instance,
at 08:00 / 8495.5 kwh
at 10:00 / 8494.2 kw/h
electricty_meter = house consumption + solar production.
In this example my solar production produce more than the house consumption, thus counter is decreasing as there is return to grid of 1.3kwh

On energy dasboard, it’s translated in positive value is grid consumption and negative value is when it’s returning to the Grid.
Fine but I can’t use this in return to grid section because it give graphic is the reverse way.

There is no possibility to say in HA : if positive value (increasing kwh) then it’s grid consumption and if it’s negative value (counter going in reverse way - decreasing kwh) it’s return to grid ?

I think this subject is already discussed but I didn’t find any good post or documentation explain the best practice.

Hi, sorry to bother you all with probably beginners questions. In my energy dashboard I have added quit a few sensors of existing hardware. I would like to start a setup for batteries which I can extend to approx. 20 kwh. I would also like to influence the offload to match the nightly.use. There is a lot to read and don"t know what is working. Thought I would ask the combined brainpower here for some guidelines where and how to start.

Think there are two possibilities/best practices:

  • Ask for a dsmr slimme meter; they will provide this as soon as you mention you have solar panels.
  • You can add additional counters so you will have a total, consumption and production counter.

Thank you @WJ4IoT
I finally did myself via template and filter integration. It’s not 100% accurate but it’s better then before.

  • Create a template sensor to remove night bad reading (removing negative value) triggered when meter state change.
  • Filter this template sensor
  • Create a template sensor triggered by filtered value state change containing the delta and also a binary sensor with auto state off. This will serve for calculation for the next action.
  • Create 2 template sensor triggered by the binary sensor from the previous template in order to populate data for the return to grid and consumption from grid used by the energy dashboard .

I prefer to keep my old counter because if I ask for a numeric counter, this will not go anymore in the reverse way when you return to grid.

Filtering part is not easy, I tried low pass but nok (not following max and min) . From now I used this config:

filter: time_simple_moving_average
         window_size: "00:20"
         precision: 1

Glad you found your HA-solution on your old analog meter.

That statement is not true, the are some digital meters with a single meter which do/did not reverse (got one years ago at the same time 4 solar panels were installed) but in principle you should get a SMART (read big brother is watching you) meter consisting of (4) separate meters. Two of them will report your production to the grid, which are you returns (likely before “saldering” roundish 60-70%). This kind of meter will work seamlessly in HA. And yes, The subject of “saldering” and your obligation (*) to report you solar panels is a completely different topic.

Aanmelden zonnepanelen wettelijk verplicht

Volgens de Europese en Nederlandse wet- en regelgeving is zonnepanelen aanmelden verplicht. Deze regelgeving is vermeld in artikel 40, vijfde lid, van Verordening (EU) 2017/1485 (de System Operation Verordening).

BTW for argument sake I dislike the upcoming changes in the “salderingsregeling” too (if you live in the Netherlands) but again this is a completely different topic.

All my solar systems is installed since more than 10y and it’s know by the authority. So I don’t have any issue. This is just the rule they applied, either you choose the taxes based on your inverter power (1Kw = 108eur) with the old gen counter or you upgrade to numeric without taxes, with reinjection for ridiculous price and keep just energy groing when you take from the grid, no more reversed way like old gen.

Ah, those are the rules in Belgium, right? I understand why you want to keep your analog kit…

Correct, Belgium with ridiculous amount of sun :wink:

We are charged a utility cost each day regardless if we use electricity or not.

How do I add this fixed cost to the energy panel so it adds it to the total cost.

Use a template sensor to add it all up for you but some people (like me) are having issues with what is displayed on the dashboard How should i use "Use an entity tracking the total costs"? (Currently comes through negative) - #4 by blalor

Can it be added a gauge card to the energy daskboard to report and track over days the offpeak usage ratio over total imported energy?
It has a lot of cost and energy saving benefits.

Hi all,

Love the system and love the intergrations, dashboards and metric. Due to some failed messages my storage was full and my database corrupted.

After alot of work an effort i got bigger storage and running it again. But now i have the following problem:

21-01-2024 evertyhing is oke

22-01-2024 i get bad data

The insight of the bad data

Day after it keeps working like normal

Because of the faulty data of 22-01-2024 my yearly overview and monthly for januari is broken.

How can i fix this… or what are my options? im thinking of deleting everyting from 31-12-23:59:59 and just skip form those metric to the current p1 data. It should have the sum of all up untill now.

Is there a way to find this false data? and edit/remove/delete the specific data?

You should be able to find the faulty data in the statistics tab in the developer section.
Search for the sensor and finde the right timespan. Then you can edit the values.

The solar panels production (yellow) and gas usage (red) are both negative values. That per definition is not right. Why? I don’t know. But they have to be positive values.


Actually all your sensors have negative values…

They all should be positive:


i know, cause of this faulty data at this exact moment my overviews are bad. but 23-01-2024 it worked as it should.

So i need to get rid of the faulty data.

that did the trick, didn’t know you can do it within HA.

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Hey - that works perfectly - yiu just need to change your device-serialnumber…
Du you see a way to integrate the % of the battery charge into that view? Couldn’t find a variable to put the fill-state in…

how do you show the gauges on the right edge?