Energy Management in Home Assistant

Im running iPhone 6s (14.7.1) and HA iOS 2018.8 I have NOT got that issue.

Suggest checking App Configuration > General > Page Zoom ??

Solar and Consumption in under wrong hours

I checked this whole post but couldn’t find an answer.

Can someone help me with two problems which might be related:

the first hour of the day shows a big negative for both solar en consumption. These are clearly the reset figures of the previous day. But how do i get them in the previous day?

During the day the figures in the columns are two hour out i.e. the production and consumption from 9:00 to 10:00 are shown under 7:00am

I check the date and time and both Europe/Lisbon and UTC are correct?

Any help would be much appreciated.

I want to explore this new feature of the latest HA release now that I have solar panels installed.
Nonetheless I’m stumbling on the very basic step: how do I enable or activate this? I cannot find energy management configurations anywhere and if I use the “energy configuration page” on the documentation (Energy Cards - Home Assistant), I get to a 404 error (

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@sparkydave, that was it, thank you very much!

Now I have another problem. In order to use simpler names for the power and energy sensors that are generated by the Fronius integration, I setup a set of template sensors (using the template integration) for each of those Fronius sensors.
Each sensor state property is just a simple expression that returns the state of the original Fronius sensor.

When I try to select a sensor on the Energy configuration dropdowns, all I get to choose is one of the Fronius sensors (the one on the second row on the image I’m posting here), besides other energy related sensors that are associated with my zwave devices. The template sensor that I created (highlighted in red on the image below), although it has the proper state class as “measurement” it does not show on the dropdown.
Here is its definition:

  - name: "energy_total_fronius_inverter_1"
    unit_of_measurement: 'Wh'
    state_class: "measurement"
    device_class: "energy"
    state: " {{ (states('sensor.energy_total_fronius_inverter_1_http_192_168_1_99') |float) }}"

How can I set my custom sensors so that they show up in here?

I just posted my config here:
Shelly EM Energy Management Setup MQTT

Its not good idea, I have local raw data from daily production and it’s OK.
I will not download data from the cloud as I have locally available data.
I will also not set up a separate database to accumulate data locally.
Entity data is correct - Energy tab displays them wrong

No doubt your PR will fix it. Thanks for contributing so positively.

Why not use customizing?

I’m interested in monitoring my home and the individual devices, dishwasher, Server, TVs, etc.

Me being new to energy monitoring, the latest HA update has sparked my interest.

Honeywell AMI meter pulse sensor. Noticed there is also a pulse sensor which is recommended with the latest HA update. Does the Honeywell AMI meter have the photo diode on the right (picture below) allowing the pulse sensor to read from? And, does the pulse sensor allow the ability to see each device in the house usage?

i just connect sonoff basic2 ground to S0 and gpio1 to s0+
off course im using tasmota

you don’t need any flashing led from the energy meter just s0+ and s0-.

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You need a last_reset attribute on your template sensors as well in order for this to work. The next version is going to make this simpler I think.

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If you see ANY negatives in the graph, then the sensor you are using is incorrect.
The energy dashboard expects data that only increases in value like an odometer, hence why negatives are a suprise. You may be using sensor that resets at the end of every day. Try finding a sensor that doesnt reset daily like a lifetime energy sensor instead of a daily.

Hey folks, I don’t want to hijack this thread with the issue I’m facing, however if anyone is able to take a look at How to add energy monitoring to a custom component? and provide some insight into how I can add statistics to a custom component so we can take advantage of the energy monitoring then I’d be very grateful!

(FWIW I’m pretty sure it’s because I’m missing the last_reset attribute, however I’m struggling to find out how to add this programmatically in the python code!)

Piechart can also be done with Apexcharts. See my dashboard

The problem is the reset which occurs at midnight. This ends up in the first column as big negatives. I did see in the database that the resets of the sensors happens at 00:00:00345 or something similar in other words a fraction of a second after midnight. I don’t know why this happens.

Any ideas?


The data, what does the data say? It is in, I think, the statistics table. The connection to your entity is in the statistics_meta table.

HA saves data for long term statistics at roughly 12 minutes past the hour.

For an entity that resets on the hour, I suspect it is running into a problem with timing. But I am no expert.

Hi all,

I don’t have anything fancy, just a few power monitoring plugs and lights. (I don’t even have a device as yet to measure power usage at the meter)

As a result, all I have on the energy panel is a horizontal bar graph showing power used by each device. It would be nice to be able to input a ‘pence per kwh’ figure for those devices and have the graph show me at a glance how much (for example) it’s cost me to run my dryer or washing machine today.

I’d also like to be able to show custom time frames in that graph window (maybe i can and I’ve not gathered enough info yet) so I can select this week or this month.

Is any of this possible?


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@VDRainer , I don’t think that customizing an entity will allow me to change its actual name (only the friendly name for what concerns naming). Moreover, as the sensors generated by the Fronius integration do not have an unique ID, I cannot customize the entities on the GUI (nor changing it on the raw JSON entity definition files).
What I am trying to do is to simplify the naming of the sensors that are created by this integration so that I do not have messy expressions with http_xxxxxxxx on them.


in the original tables, I have to store the values since August 2020.
Do you know how to recalculate the data since this period?