Energy Management in Home Assistant

you need entities that have a ‘total’ value reading, not a daily or other reset value. From that total value, the energy: integration calculates the daily values in the Dashboard.

those entities also need the state_class: total_increasing , and not just increasing as you mentioned above. (maybe a typo?)

Yeah - didn’t know how to get the 3 cubed text :slight_smile:

UK based Smart Meters (Bulb) - Registered with Bright to get 30 min updates from Bright, which pulls readings from the smart network.

Use HACS component - Hildebrand Glow (DCC) which then creates x2 sensors with daily Electricity and Gas readings - both in (kWh).

really sorry but I am unfamiliar with those, and can not help with that. I take it thats a custom integration? So you’d best take it up with the authors and check how to get proper gas readings. As said above, you need total readings (not daily) for the long-term statistics to work

check New sensor state class: total_increasing | Home Assistant Developer Docs and the other blogs on the new developments


Hi all, I already have the power, energy, current… by PZEM sensor connected by mqtt…
This is the config:

 - platform: mqtt
      name: "MQTTvoltage"
      state_topic: "home-assistant/sensor03/voltage"
      qos: 0
      unit_of_measurement: "V"
    - platform: mqtt
      name: "MQTTcurrent"
      state_topic: "home-assistant/sensor03/current"
      qos: 0
      unit_of_measurement: "A"
    - platform: mqtt
      name: "MQTTenergy"
      state_topic: "home-assistant/sensor03/energy"
      qos: 0
      unit_of_measurement: "KWh"
    - platform: mqtt
      name: "MQTTpower"
      state_topic: "home-assistant/sensor03/power"
      qos: 0
      unit_of_measurement: "W"

Is possible the integration with energy management?

Edit : Problem solved - I shortned the names by removing 4 characters - now works fine

Response noted thanx - doesnt explain why 2 of them are selectable, whilst other 2 are not. I also have 6 other resettting sensors that come from utility_meter: that do work - also note many people are using the outputs from utility_meter: succesfully in the energy dash board?

Will stick it out to see if any one else chip in - else going to have to create extra templates for the diffierent tarrifs - someting which utility_meter: does nicely.

Is anyone succesfully using daily resetting sensors from “utility_meter:” in the energy dashboard?

Here they all are - all of them reset either daily or monthly:

This should help - Hildebrandglow - Smart Meters - SMETS2 - #94 by WhimsySpoon

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Hi, I have gas unitm m3 but I don’t see any gas entity in energy.
I tried to customize entity
state_class measurement
but I don’t see item gas in device class dropdown menu.
Any idea?

Woohoo! Exactly what I am after… Got it setup - but got a query - will post over there.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

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don’t think the last_reset customization is not necessary any longer, this is taken care of internally now by HA

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Great news, thanks. I’ll update my post.

thats strange, I opened the database with DB browser and it see that the DB stores old data (aug 9 and 10) for the price sensor. That data contains the old and wrong unit_of_measurement. That could cause the problem. I dont understand why the database does not contain more recent data but the UI does.

Is there a way to delete old data?


I’ve seen some posts about modifying the *.db file and opening it with DB Browser for SQLite. Theoretically that should enable us to add older data (e.g. from influxDB) and removing bad data. I will try this later this week when I have some time available. Yesterday (before I changed measurement to total_increasing) I also managed to ‘get’ 250.000 kWh of solar energy. Must have been sunny. But it does ruin all data for the current year overview…

If someone else successfully managed to edit the .db file, let us know please.

On a similar note, is there an easy way to scrap everything in the Energy panel and start from scratch? I’m talking not only about the data but also which sensors are being used for the representation… so, basically how to go back to the setup UI for Energy.
I really don’t want to reinstall HA just because I messed up the Energy view.

I added this code:

    - platform: integration
      source: sensor.mqttpower
      name: "potenza_assorbita"

and this:

      state_class: measurement
      last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00'

but always this:

nessuna statistica corrisponddente trovata
no matching statistics found

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I believe the sensor needs to be either

device_class: energy
state_class: total_increasing


device_class: power
state_class: measurement

Yours is measurement but is missing device_class?

My source is…

  # Add this sensor if you want to see data in the energy tab
  - platform: integration
    source: sensor.current_cost
    name: Current Cost Total Energy
    unit_prefix: k
    round: 2

Which automatically set the state and device class in the integration package but since you’re using mqtt I’m not sure how you’d resolve.

Thanks for your reply:
now this is the code:

      state_class: power
      device_class: measurement
      last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00'
      unit_of_measurement: "W"


but nothing changed…

Ah, I think you need a kWh sensor…


It should be total increasing I think, not just a measurement-in-time sensor.
I have other devices (power plugs, etc.) that report consumed kWh and they appear as options under grid consumption, which I used at first but then I got current cost working which is the whole house consumption from the grid rather than just the 4 or 5 devices.

that seems to be a customization? If so, take that out, and just as brunt says, rely on the sensor the integration returns. last_reset shouldn’t be used anymore in the first place, and, with the others, is set without customization.

I don’t know how many damn times it needs to be said. Energy not power.

Energy is what you use in total. Power is the rate at which you use it.

A 1kW (1000W)(power) heater uses 2 kWh (energy) in 2 hours.

A 100W light takes 20 hours to use the same energy.