Energy Management in Home Assistant

I’ve had a problem with Energy dashboard, HA has changed the name of cost sensor and I’ve lost historical data.
Can I change the cost sensor what HA manage or Can I pass historical data to de new one?.

I’ve opened a new ticket here Duplication of Energy cost sensors in Energy Dashboard and lost of historical costs

can I edit the saved energy data?
I just integrate my gas meter. from today it measure the data. But I would like to add the month and years data. to see the real monthly yearly consumption. Can I set it? Where the data stored?
Thank you

For those with Z-Wave devices that include power monitoring. Do you ever manually reset the energy consumption report to see what the daily or hourly total was when looking at the entity’s graph? Right now I have never reset it as I didn’t care much about the energy consumption. Now that I am in the, as I like to call it, “Energy Aware” phase of building out a smart home I finally looked at my server’s smart plug and saw the energy report has been constantly increase since I plugged it in months ago. I thought Z-Wave devices would reset that value every hour.

Hi @markpurcell,

I noticed that you mentioned that the data from the Energy Dashboard isn’t easliy reusable in other templates.

Do you know if you can actually get to the data, as I would like to use the historical data stored to aid in a ‘rough’ forecast of electricity used. e.g. rolling 30 historical usage would help indicate what the next days usage might be. Not particularly accurate but a start.

Or is this a request that would need to be sent to the Energy dashboard team to ask for the ‘Energy’ data to be made available elsewhere within HA?

Thanks for you time.


It is difficult too get the data from the dashboard, but it would be straight forward to use the same sensor as the dashboard to get the 30 day average for example.

Most sensors only hold days for the past 7 days, so you would be better off seeing up a utility meter (in the helpers section) to give you a running monthly total for energy usage.

Calculating power cost using utility meter

Hi @markpurcell,

Thanks for the reply.
Off to play with ‘Utility Meters’


I have question about first time setup of the energy dashboard. In the first step, the Add Consumption has to do with a sensor that keeps the total energy consumption of the home or something else?

You do not want total, HA does that for you. You want something like daily energy

How to request to the development team the possibility to add in HA additional Energy Management Dashboards? ( I didn’t find how to do this) I would like to use the same concept to track other sensors with the relation consumption or production / cost. For example to track in detail individual devices vs cost it makes easier to see the amortization of the invesment, for example for the solar battery, or to track water consumption, etc… This is easer instead to have to “reinvent the wheel again” with additional scripts and templates for the same.


I have done this a few times but its not falling off. Does HA need to be shutdown while doing this?

"sensor.energy_next_hour " is provided by “Forecast.Solar” integration.
graphs by apexchart

  - entity: sensor.energy_next_hour 
    name: Energy Today Forecast
    color: darkgreen
    extend_to: now
    unit: kWh
    float_precision: 2
    type: line
      in_header: false
      in_chart: true
      datalabels: false
    stroke_width: 3
    curve: smooth

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It didn’t for me, the beauty of HA using SQL is that it should be multi-accessible without shutting it down for general DB changes and updates.

How far are you getting?

Feature requests go in this forum, in the feature request section.

I found some values in statistics_short_term, However I ended just deleting database and starting over!

Hi !
I am using the Energy management in Hass and its working Great. I was wondering if it is possible to use the values on other cards ?

For example, i would like to take the calculated Monthly cost and present in a graph with each Month cost

Should be possible with an SQL sensor. How to achieve it is something I can’t help you with…


I have a question, I have added my solar converter to HA with the "BWxxxxxxx Lifetime energy output as my sensor but every day I get this graphic. first a minus of the total amount and then a positive of the total amount. How can I avoid this? It looks HA receives a 0 number in the morning and later the real amount


Try using the daily yield instead.

HA doesn’t expect a total energy measurement to drop to 0. The lifetime sensor is probably not configured correctly, see Sensor Entity | Home Assistant Developer Docs for details about energy sensor entities. Your sensor appears to behave like the “Example of state class total without last_reset”.

Does anyone know how the “home” consumption is being calculated? I have in my smart meter 2 import sensors and 2 output sensors. Solar data comes from solared total energy generated.

Blue is your input, both sensors together, violet is your output, both sensors together.