Energy Meter, NorthQ and setting value "realtime mode" OR "wakeup". Keeps beeing overwritten


I have a NorthQ energy meter:

After pressing the button once it updates the energy value every 5 seconds (as per the manual).
The device is connected to power and is not using a battery, so energy drain is not a issue.

> Wakeup
> A single click on the Z-Wave button will wake up the device.
*> You can switch the NorthQ Power Reader into Real-time mode by pressing the sensor button once. When NorthQ Power Reader is in real-time mode, consumption data will be transferred from the wireless transmitter to the USB receiver every 5 seconds. This feature is useful if you want to examine your current wattage-consumption, or if you simply don"t want to wait for the collected consumption data to be automatically transferred to your NorthQ Power Reader. NorthQ Power Reader stays in real-time mode for 10 minutes at a time, before reverting to the normal, “power-saving” mode.

After a while the “real time” stops as planned.

I want the realtime to be enable indefinatly as im sending the data to my influxdb to graph in grafana.
There seems to be two options:

Parameter 8: Wakeup Interval

like WAKEUP command class
Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 0000

Parameter 11: Realtime Mode

How many seconds before going out of realtime / always on mode. Can be set to start realtime mode. Will be set by pressing button on device once. (twice clears realtime mode)
Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 0000

If i set the Parameter 8 to, 10 (10 seconds) its written to the device but overwritten somehow the next time the device wakes up.


How do i enable either that the device wakes up and send the update OR set the Parameter 11 to something really high to force the device to never leave real time mode?

Hello I search the same NorthQ energy meter for gaz, where do you buy this sensor ?

If interested I got an old one sleeping outside (no more used as new counter as impulse and an esp8266 near). Can sell it for cheap :+1:.

No warranty of course it as some years.