Have you tried
Is there anything there that looks like my screenshot?
I recommend you stick with the native integration, because none of the enphase integrations will automatically provide you with import and export sensors because the envoy doesn’t supply import and export readings. This is a gap that home assistant needs to fill using calculations.
The only exception to this statement is
my own solution via the rest sensor which is not an integration, but simply a rest sensor that targets a different source of information than what the enphase integrations use.
For every enphase integration, native or hacs, the following needs to be done.
What you have to do is go to the first post at top of this article and follow the instructions using:
Step1. Template sensors to calculate power import and power export.
Step2. The integration sensor to convert instant power to energy over time.
Once you do those 2 steps, you should be able to choose the new energy sensors in the energy dashboard here