Enphase Envoy with Energy Dashboard

This means the CT clamp is installed in the wrong place - it seems to be measuring net power (production minus consumption) - the easy way to tell is that it should give a higher negative value if you generate more solar power - is that what it’s doing?

I shared some photos in this thread way back in August showing where the CT clamp has to be installed:

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Yes, that’s what it’s doing.

I think your picture https://community-assets.home-assistant.io/original/3X/d/7/d749f38b91bac71cbce138f185f617e55ae8d6ad.gif is how they are installed here. (The wrong way, with the red cross)

Sensor 1 is coming from the solar panels, but sensor 2 is coming from right behind the grid, thus detecting power going towards the grid as well, energy flowing in both directions. While your picture says it should be installed consumption wise passed the solar input to only detect one direction.

On the other hand, does it even matter with HA? Since a negative value is clearly “Return to grid” and a postive one is clearly “Grid consumption”, while the other CT clamp can be used for “Solar Production” “Envoy Lifetime Energy Production”.

I’m not sure you can accurately compensate for this issue using HA to perform calculations and correct this. I would have a hard time accepting the accuracy.

Edit: I am wrong. You probably can do it in HA

I feel safe by it :smiley: I will have a look at the Consumption meter tomorrow during generation, but it seems quite OK. I know the baseline of my house when I don’t touch anything, which is correctly reported at night when there is no production. (± 900W)

If the Production clamp tells me there is 1000W, and the consumption clamp tells me -100W then I’m happy, because then I can easily correctly tell there is 900W consumption.

So I think my formula is fine, if the consumption clamp is negative, the absolute value is Grid Export. If the consumption is positive it’s Grid Import.

And the generation clamp is responsible for the Solar Production field in HA, which I guess is then smart enough to figure out the rest.

The image with the red cross isn’t specific to HA or Enphase - It’s a generic wiring diagram for any solar system to measure house consumption separate to solar production.

The principal is always to measure Solar production and how much power your house uses. You then subtract consumption from generation to determine import/export - a positive number means you’re Importing while a negative number means you’re exporting. (Consumption - Generation). If you have the clamps in the red cross diagram, then this isn’t true and you have to do weird non-standard calculations to try to fix it (like using abs), however since your setup is non standard then you may not be able to “fix” all calculations in all circumstances. Far easier to simply move the CT clamp to the
correct position - it will take less than a few minutes to do.

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If you know what you’re doing, yeah :smiley: My cabinet is so full of wires, I can’t find anything back :wink:

I think it’s solved for now, writing a HA formula is easier for me (programmer) :stuck_out_tongue:

# If Power Consumption is positive, it is Grid Import Power	
- sensor:
    name: Grid Import Power
    state_class: measurement
    icon: mdi:transmission-tower
    unit_of_measurement: W
    device_class: power
    state: >
      {{ [0, states('sensor.envoy_xxx_current_power_consumption') | int ] | max }}

# If Power Consumption is negative, it is Grid Export Power
- sensor:
    name: Grid Export Power
    state_class: measurement
    icon: mdi:transmission-tower
    unit_of_measurement: W
    device_class: power
    state: >
      {{ [0, states('sensor.envoy_xxxx_current_power_consumption') | int ] | min | abs }}

Maybe on a sunny day I’ll feel like it and go look around to move the clamp, until then, if my HA graph is fine, I’m happy for now

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You’ll laugh, but when I watched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R75MxB4Aesg I realize they have 2 Consumption CTs (Square looking ones) installed and no Production CT (Round one)

Guess I will have to look where to order a Production CT and install it properly just for correctness sake.

Going to be interesting since I also read this:

Use only the production CT that came with the Envoy S, this is important since the CT is paired and calibrated to the Envoy at the factory, Moreover, it comes with the same serial number as the Envoy S.

But this document then only mentions 2 CT clamps, square looking ones: https://www.acsolarwarehouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/CT-Best-Practices-EN-AU.pdf

I know what you’re saying - just pointing out that you’re making a lot of extra work for yourself, especially if you try to do real-time house consumption/production measurements using code similar to my Enphase mqtt method or others like this power-wheel-card - without major back-end changes your house will not be showing accurate power consumption and will show weird numbers


I watched that youtube vid you mentioned.

Seems like this is a 1 time only choice that gets made at time of installation between Net and Total.
After that, it seems like the only option to fixing this is to move the ct elsewhere.


You showed us your production history already and the graphs looked fine.

This tells me your Production CT is installed properly and working fine.
It’s only your consumption CT that is off.

This video shows the production CT as part of the enphase branded combiner box. Yours definitely already has a production CT, as you have showed us the graphs, it might just look different as you might not have the same combiner box.

The graphs look fine now:


Well I’m really upset as today Enphase decided to update my Envoy to 7.x.x firmware so now I’m unable to access envoy.local …

ok, time to prevent internet access to the envoy before i get locked out


Thats terrible news. All of that effort just to be stuffed with by a firmware update!
So angry. Thanks for all of your help anyway. Much appreciated.

i went to

Ahh - you’re running Asus routers as well. With a lot of trouble I’ve managed to be able to view the stream and the installer menus in a browser however its a two step process. First, I used Safari on a MAC to access envoy.local - it complained the certificate was invalid so I accepted and trusted the certificate to say Always Trust. I could then visit Envoy.local however it says I need a Token - I pressed the top button to login using my Enphase account (I paid for the full per panel level monitoring) - it redirected me to a login page, I entered my username/password for Enphase account and it redirected me back to envoy.local. I could now view all the pages previously including the stream, however it’s now redirected to https … So I tried Chrome and it complained about the certificate so I have to manually trust it - I could then view all pages after the same validation process. So it seems each browser needs an authorisation cookie - and I have zero ideas ATM on how to enable the script to do this validation… Any clues?

Yeah, just the other day mine said up to date too on 5.0.55 however during the afternoon it got somehow autoupdated to 7.x.x

That’s a tough one and very much outside of my skill level unfortunately.

This guy has the same issue with 7.x.x