Entity Icon color & custom icon color based on state (customise icon_color)

        style: |
          :host {
           {% if states(config.entity)|float <= 20 %} 
           {% elif states(config.entity)|float <= 35 %}
           {% else %}
           {% endif %}
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Is Custom UI donā€˜t work anymore?

yes it does still work

just a heads_up: this doesnā€™t work from ha 0.110 onwards.
Ive created a feature request in the Frontend Github replace custom-ui, allow for customizing entities globally Ā· Issue #5892 Ā· home-assistant/frontend Ā· GitHub

and though Bram has suggested a custom script should be able to do what custom-ui did, I havenā€™t been able to understand how. Hope to get some followup advice.

Really lost here, and thereā€™s truly no way any current custom card can do what custom-ui does. The examples I posted speak for themselves.

Should be really simple though, replace icon_color with another attribute/option. Icon can still be templated, so the main framework still holdsā€¦

preparing for the time custom-ui wont be availableā€¦

Tomahawk, could you help me out here? this doesnt show a single entity, while without the style, the list is displayed alright. Please have a look?

  - type: custom:auto-entities
      title: Philips light level (lux) sensors
      type: entities
        - entity_id: sensor.*_sensor_light_level_raw
          style: |
            :host {
               {% if states(config.entity)|float < 1 %} maroon
               {% elif states(config.entity)|float < 300 %} firebrick
               {% elif states(config.entity)|float < 10000 %} orange
               {% elif states(config.entity)|float < 17000 %} green
               {% elif states(config.entity)|float < 22000 %} gold
               {% elif states(config.entity)|float < 25500 %} teal
               {% elif states(config.entity)|float < 28500 %} dodgerblue
               {% elif states(config.entity)|float < 33000 %} lightskyblue
               {% elif states(config.entity)|float < 40000 %} lightblue
               {% elif states(config.entity)|float < 40000 %} lightcyan
               {% else %} azure
               {% endif %}

using the styling on the entities card directly does list the sensors, but simply doesnt color anythingā€¦

      type: entities
      style: |
        :host {
          --paper-item-icon-color: etc

Sorry to inform you that it does not work with entity-filter.

" Note that some cards ( conditional , entity-filter , horizontal-stack and vertical-stack as well as some custom cards, like layout-card , auto-entities and state-switch among others) do not have a ha-card element, and card-mod will thus not work for those. There is a workaround, though"

HI, thanks for getting back to me on this.
I was gladly surprised this morning my template above had kicked in overnightā€¦ It might have been a cache thing, not really sure because I had even restartedā€¦ you never knowā€¦
Of course, I had forgotten the options: in the above auto-entities card. Re-checked the docs, added that and it still was dead on me. Until this morning :wink:

  - type: custom:auto-entities
      title: Test auto coloring light level (lux) sensors
      type: entities
        - entity_id: sensor.*_sensor_light_level_raw
            style: |
              :host {
                 {% set level = states(config.entity)|float %}
                 {% if level == 0 %} black
                 {% elif level < 1 %} maroon
                 {% elif level < 300 %} firebrick
                 {% elif level < 10000 %} orange
                 {% elif level < 17000 %} green
                 {% elif level < 22000 %} gold
                 {% elif level < 25500 %} teal
                 {% elif level < 28500 %} dodgerblue
                 {% elif level < 33000 %} lightskyblue
                 {% elif level < 40000 %} lightblue
                 {% elif level < 40000 %} lightcyan
                 {% else %} azure
                 {% endif %}

showing like this now:


the issue has been mitigated: Bram fixed custom-ui so it works from 110 on: https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/issues/5892#issuecomment-630910390

thanks to all for thinking along.


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Help! kind people,
I still can not get the icon color to work on HA 0.110 even with copied state-card-custom-ui.html
I have tried for most of the day to implement the change given in the link from Marius. I have checked my state-card-custom-ui.html file that i grabbed from the fork(patch-2) and the wording is the new wording but i cannot get the icons to be the correct icon color.
Here is what i have in an entity card:

and here is more-info showing that it has used the template as far as I can understand

and here is my frontend code:

  themes: !include_dir_merge_named ../themes
    - /local/custom_ui/state-card-custom-ui.html
  #  - /local/custom_ui/state-card-custom-ui-es5.html
    - /local/custom-sidebar.js

and config.yaml entries:

  customize: !include customize.yaml
      custom_ui_state_card: state-card-custom-ui
      custom_ui_state_card: state-card-custom-ui
        icon_color: if (state === 'on') return 'green'; else return 'red'
      custom_ui_state_card: state-card-custom-ui
        icon_color: >-
          if (state > 22) return 'red';
          if (state <= 18 )return 'blue';
          return 'green';

I had been using templates within the customize.yaml, they all worked up until the 0.110
this is typical of the code for the color of a switch:

    icon_color: if (state === 'off') return 'rgb(255,0,0)';  if (state ==='unavailable')
      return 'rgb(128,128,128)';  if (state ==='on')return 'rgb(0,255,0)';

I have tried all sorts of stuff, deleted contents of www/custom-ui then copied from downloaded (from patch-2 branch of Mariusā€™) folder. I have emptied the cache on windows pc (chrome) used Macbook, also on chrome but to no avail, restarted, rebooted, all things inbetweenā€¦
Can anyone shine some light on this before i downgrade back to 0.109

Me tooā€¦ also have this problem :frowning:

Iā€™ve hacked the state-card-custom-ui.html file, and just upgraded to 0.110 - no issues.

However my configuration is different - no state-card-custom-ui:

      custom_ui_state_card: state-card-custom-ui
        icon_color: >
          if (state > 75) return 'green';
          if (state > 50) return 'gold';
          if (state > 25) return 'orange';
          if (state > 10) return 'brown';
          return 'red';

This is using Chrome under windows.

Is there any way to ask the guys behind Home Assistant to bring back the option to do the:

icon_color, etc

stuff in next update?

It was Wonderfull to make everything your ownā€¦ now we need to do lots of things to let it work.

I have many many configs like this:

  friendly_name: "Temp. after 2 days"
    icon_color: >-
      if (state > 38) return 'rgb(181,14,2)';
      if (state > 32) return 'rgb(214,18,4)';
      if (state > 27) return 'rgb(255,0,0)';
      if (state > 21) return 'rgb(255,150,0)';
      if (state > 16) return 'rgb(255,204,0)';
      if (state > 10) return 'rgb(0,255,0)';
      if (state > 4) return 'rgb(4,181,4)';
      if (state > -1) return 'rgb(0,170,217)';
      if (state > -7) return 'rgb(0,0,255)';
      if (state > -12) return 'rgb(121,24,196)';
      if (state > -18) return 'rgb(176,0,189)';
      if (state > -23) return 'rgb(189,0,107)';
      return 'rgb(0,0,0)';

Donā€™t use the wildcard option, because some entities need different things.

Now have to change the whole config. More then 150 entities I must edit somewhere in HA in stead of 1 file with all the customize stuff in it.

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Youā€™ve posted this in a few threads now but you havenā€™t bothered searching for the solutionā€¦ which is listed in this thread 4 posts up from this.

I have searched and tried several things I read here.
But there is so many posts that sometimes itā€™s not clear if that is the solution or not. But thanks for the link to it.

I have found my problem with icon_color in 110.0
In my custom_ui directory I had extra files (state-card-custom-ui.html.gz for example)
once i removed these and now only have:
state-card-custom-ui.html (modified as per Marius direction)

and once I had cleared the cache several times it now loads the icon colors as it did before.
Thanks again to @Mariusthvdb
Lets hope the devs either incorporate the ability to change icon and icon color as the user. I know he has explained the need far better than I could on another thread.

Not sure that caused it. Rather, I suspect it to be a cache issue, which has resolved itself.

You could test by adding a file again.
Anyways, glad it is working againā€¦ a huge reliefā€¦

Team, I still get an error after running the latest (patch1) html file.
What am I missing here?

020-05-22 18:08:05 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202005191] https://pcznjl1x6a213f1n9ktwshwtt48uohvx.ui.nabu.casa/local/custom_ui/state-card-custom-ui.html.js:26:8912 Uncaught TypeError: e.push is not a function

that is an error that has been around for very long now, and it doesnā€™t hurt operation.

Remember custom-ui was developed for States, no Lovelace, and hasnā€™t been updated for a year now, so HA code has changed a lot since then.

fwiw, I seem to get the error when loading custom-ui via customizer, and didnt see it when loaded via extra_html_urlā€¦

but, since extra_html_url is discouraged (maybe worse) I am not sure I should advice you to use that :wink:

havenā€™t tried this yet, but maybe we can simply take the

e.push("pages",e.localize?"customui":{domain:"customui",caption:"Custom UI",description:"Set UI tweaks.",loaded:!0})

out of line 27 of the file.

Okay, thanks. I only see the behaviour when clicking the ā€œConfigurationā€ tab.
Iā€™ll just ignore it now. Thanks

ignore my bit about loading the custom-ui, it doesnt influence, I see it alsoā€¦

one would expect it to show on developer, but I see it on configuration too like you.