Entity not found: sensor_dark_sky_wind_bearing

Just getting started with the HADashboard using basic yaml.configuration, etc.

title: Main
widget_dimensions: [170, 180]
widget_margins: [15, 15]
columns: 11

  widget_type: weather
  unit: "°F"
  main_style: "color: orange; font-size: 80%;"
  sub_style: "color: white; font-size: 0%;"

  widget_type: clock

  widget_type: reload

  - clock(1x1),weather
  - reload(1x1)

I cannot understand why I am getting this error:

I have not referenced dark sky anywhere in my configurations.

Hi Jim

Iā€™m fairly new to this too and had the same problem. I fixed it by adding the darkSky sensor component to my configuration file. https://www.home-assistant.io/components/sensor.darksky/

you might also find this document helpful http://appdaemon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/DASHBOARD_CREATION.html#weather

I will happily share my config but at work just now.

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Thanks much Lee! I thought I would switch to Dark Sky also. What bugs me is not being able to find the cause. Just updated with Dark Sky and works perfectly, thanks again.

Glad I could be of assistance Jim :slight_smile:

Thanks, appreciate your concern and assistance.

jim, every time you see ā€œentity not foundā€ that means that the entity doesnt exist in HA.
so, that can be caused by a typo, or in this cause because you didnt configure it at all.

every element in HA is an entity and dashboard is a way to show those entities.
but im glad to see you took the first steps.

Thanks for the response. You are correct. I configured with Dark Sky and it works fine!


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Rene, I removed dark sky as my weather platform because the weather readout was wrong. I switched to Yahoo weather and it works fine except for my dashboard.
I looked in the main_init.js and found 15 occurrences of dark_sky:

It appears to me this routine should be changed if a weather platform other than dark_sky is being used. Thoughts?


the weather widget is created for the darksky platform.

but you can use other sensors also.
in the dashboard you need to use it like this:

  title: Today
  show_foreacast: 1
  prefer_icons: 1
  forecast_title: Tomorrow
    icon: sensor.dark_sky_icon
    temperature: sensor.dark_sky_temperature
    apparent_temperature: sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature
    humidity: sensor.dark_sky_humidity
    precip_probability: sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability
    precip_intensity: sensor.dark_sky_precip_intensity
    precip_type: sensor.dark_sky_precip
    pressure: sensor.dark_sky_pressure
    wind_speed: sensor.dark_sky_wind_speed
    wind_bearing: sensor.dark_sky_wind_bearing
    forecast_icon: sensor.dark_sky_icon_1
    forecast_temperature_min: sensor.dark_sky_daily_low_temperature_1
    forecast_temperature_max: sensor.dark_sky_daily_high_temperature_1
    forecast_precip_probability: sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability_1
    forecast_precip_type: sensor.dark_sky_precip_1

in this example there are dark sky sensors, but you can place your yahoo sensors on that place.

off course its impossible for a widget to determine on its own what kind of platform to use.
you can use all kind of weather platforms simultanious, what would the widget take if you dont tell the widget what to use? :wink:

Here is my dashboard yaml.

  widget_type: weather
    pressure: sensor.yweather_pressure
    temperature: sensor.yweather_temperature
    windspeed: sensor.yweather_wind_speed
    humidity: sensor.yweather_humidity
    visibility: sensor.yweather_visibility

I ā€œthinkā€ I have done what you suggested, but there still seems to be a problem. Also, main page at errors out in the dashboard.js so it never finishes. I am thinking this not a configuration problem, but a programming issue.

you need to fill all fields, not just part of it.
it errors out because you didnt configure all that is needed.
the fields are not optional.

off course if you dont want to use all fields and customise you own weather widget you are free to create a custom widget as described in the docs.

edit: i just took a deeper look and i was wrong, they are not all needed anymore. i think that the windspeed is causing a trouble because the yohoo sensor delivers other values then the darksky. and that kind of values are expected

hmm, no its probably the errors from you.

pressure is not known
windspeed must be wind_speed
visibility is unknown.

you can only provide the options i gave.


Well, there seems to be a deeper problem, I used all the sensors

  widget_type: weather
  unit: "°F"
  title: Weather Today
  prefer_icons: 1
    visibility: sensor.yweather_visibility
    icon: sensor.dark_sky_icon
    temperature: sensor.yweather_temperature
    apparent_temperature: sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature
    humidity: sensor.yweather_humidity
    precip_probability: sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability
    precip_intensity: sensor.dark_sky_precip_intensity
    precip_type: sensor.dark_sky_precip
    pressure: sensor.yweather_pressure
    wind_speed: sensor.yweather_wind_speed
    wind_bearing: sensor.dark_sky_wind_bearing
    forecast_icon: sensor.dark_sky_icon_1
    forecast_temperature_min: sensor.dark_sky_daily_low_temperature_1
    forecast_temperature_max: sensor.dark_sky_daily_high_temperature_1
    forecast_precip_probability: sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability_1
    forecast_precip_type: sensor.dark_sky_precip_1

Here is what the program is telling me:

entity not found means that the entity doesnt exist is HA.
so check out you HA entities. if it is not there then change you HA configuration to make that the entity exists.

Ok, when I switched to yahoo, I deleted the configuration in my configuration.yaml file for dark sky. Now that we have been through this, I guess I will have to have both configurations for weather, i.e., yahoo and darksky. I will try that and see what happens.

Ok, it looks like I am stuck with the weather telling me we have a 84% chance of rain when the sky is clear:) I guess, when things settle down I will have to create a custom weather widget!!

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IĀ“m stuck with Darksky platform issues.

IĀ“m getting the all too familiar entity not found.

Here is my dash-file:

widget_type: weather
title: Today
show_forecast: 0
prefer_icons: 1
forecast_title: I morgen
icon: sensor.dark_sky_icon
temperature: sensor.dark_sky_temperature
apparent_temperature: sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature
humidity: sensor.dark_sky_humidity
precip_probability: sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability
precip_intensity: sensor.dark_sky_precip_intensity
precip_type: sensor.dark_sky_precip
pressure: sensor.dark_sky_pressure
wind_speed: sensor.dark_sky_wind_speed
wind_bearing: sensor.dark_sky_wind_bearing

And hereĀ“s from my configuration.yaml:

Weather prediction


  • platform: darksky
    api_key: fffffff
    language: nb
    • icon
    • temperature
    • apparent_temperature
    • humidity
    • precip_probability
    • precip_intensity
    • precip_type
    • pressure
    • wind_speed
    • wind_bearing
      units: si
      update_interval: ā€˜02:00ā€™

I just canĀ“t figure out what is wrong. Sometimes the entity not found is one in the config files and sometimes not.

I need advice hereā€¦

to see what the names from your entities are you go to the dev pages to the states page.
i know that there are some entities that are renamed in home assistant at some point.


IĀ“m not able to make anyting of itā€¦where do i look for information?

Or am i doing something wrong?

i can see that you have dark_sky
but in the past that platform also generated other sensors like the ones you have in your config:

i see that at least some of those are in your attributes. i dont know if that was also before.
you need to check out the last few ha blogs if something changed for the darksky platform.
or the docs to find out how to get those other sensors.

just a small look at the HA docs i think that you installed the darksky weather component, but not the sensors.
to find out how you look at this page: