Environment Canada integration - 2021.11 onwards

So given that there is only one camera now, and not a snow / rain camera, i had to modify my approach. That is to say abandon it for now - so my conditional card now points to the same entity. But as was just pointed out, this may be resulting in 2 calls, so I would suggest perhaps just using one normal picture card instead for the time being.

I just switched over last night and its showing me the snow radar, which I’m assuming is due to it being November, even thought we have rain in the forecast. Looking forward to see where this goes in the long term, its super cool to have on the dashboards!

Did you remove the camera section from your configuration.yaml? After I did that and restarted I only had one camera…

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There’s a pull request that adds a select entity to be able to select rain or snow. Been waiting for a few weeks for that PR to be approved.

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I received some more information from Environment Canada and it seems unlikely that HA is the cause of the surge in traffic. However, it is certain that the same backend library was involved as the requests. I let them know how the integration interacts with their API, so hopefully any rate limiting they implement will be in excess of that. I’ll keep you posted.

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No I didn’t, but I will tomorow! To be honest I wasn’t sure how to handle the problem, thanks for the heads up

I’m not sure what Environment Canada has done on their side, but when I restarted my server just now I couldn’t get it to load until I had disabled the radar camera. Discussions are still ongoing.

That sounds odd that the integration won’t start when radar is not connecting. I will take a look in the next day or so. In the mean time sounds like the path forward is going to be at a minimum disabling radar until this gets worked out. It could mean removing radar altogether :frowning:

Can’t say for sure if it’s radar causing the issue however I’ve noticed Environment Canada takes a long time to load (30 sec to a couple of minutes) when HA is restarted

Question: today in the Ottawa area we have a Specisl Weather Statement in effect, but the statement text is not available.

Is it supposed to be?

I restarted today and the radar camera is back up and running. No news from Environment Canada today.

That’s longer than I would expect, but it does typically take about 30 seconds to build the radar image. The delay is on the Environment Canada end, as the data is fetched dynamically from their GIS server.

I would like it to be, but I don’t currently have a way to get that data that doesn’t involve web scraping, which HA does not allow.

Hello, thanks for all the work and guides to implement this new integration.
So I removed all the old entries in several files and Config.
I then rebooted HA then added the integration again. I see 30 entities, but … the camera has a white picture. It must be snowing the whole day :wink: But I would like to see the satelite/camera image as well.

I use the ON/s0000549 camera. You have any idea/direction where I can find the cause of this all. Thank you and keep up the good work!

Ha! This happened to me too during testing. I used the same joke!

It seems to be something with the install. What platform are you running on? It only happened to me in my development environment which is a Mac.

The camera requires lat/lon coordinates, while the station ID can be used for the weather and sensor. I’m not sure what the camera is using when a station ID is specified, but that’s likely the issue.

@fellow Canadians, any idea on how to implement a “snow shoveling needed in the driveway” notification triggered using data from this integration? i.e. if it snowed more than say 5 cm during the last 12 or 24h, notify in the evening that the morning after shoveling is going to be needed. Is there a practical way to do something like this

The key word there is “if”. The predicted amount of snowfall may not amount to the actual amount of snowfall (in your area). As a result you may get alerts that are false positives/negatives.

One way to mitigate it is to use information from Environment Canada’s Daily Weather Data which, among may other things, reports Total Snow for a given day.
Screenshot from 2021-11-28 11-11-33

For example, it indicates 3.6 cm for November 26 at the Montreal station (airport).

However, that level of detail isn’t usually provided by Home Assistant’s weather integrations. To its credit, the Environment Canada integration does provide a “Precipitation Yesterday” sensor but it doesn’t differentiate between ‘liquids and solids’. :slightly_smiling_face:

That is true, but I think that the unit might be mm for rain and cm for snow. That sensor is probably the best way to address this use case.

Another user also extended the library to support the historical data, which seems to use yet another unique set of station IDs :roll_eyes:

If that’s an inviolable rule then the sensor’s unit_of_measurement might serve as a means of differentiating between rainfall and snowfall. Although I don’t know how that plays out when you get rain and snow on the same day. :thinking:

Hi @gwww thank you for the reply!
I use a Windows 10 PC with Google Chrome.

@michaeldavie I will remove the current integration and re-add it with the coordinates. Will post an update. Thanks!

The Environment Canada integration on my Pi broke a few days ago. I use it every day with voice scripts so I really notice it when it is gone. I dont commented out the entries in my config yaml file long ago and I tried reinstalling the integration. I switched between weather station SK/s0000797 and my latitude and longitude but nothing works, no data is pulled in.

/config/log shows:

  • Config entry ‘Saskatoon’ for environment_canada integration not ready yet; Retrying in background

Anyone else getting this problem?

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What versions are you using?

Exact same here. Brand new to HA so figured it was something I did. It’s not included in any config/scripts as I was only try to add it as an entity in the frontend as I learn about HA.

I deleted and reinstalled the integration and added my station config during setup.

Integrations tab shows: Retrying setup: Cannot connect to host maps.geogratis.gc.ca:80 ssl:default [Connect call failed ('', 80)]