Environment Canada integration - 2021.11 onwards

I am having the same problem as of this morning. Connect Call to fails.



The server at EC seems to be currently unresponsive and times out on requests.

Here is the apparent contact email. [email protected]

The map layer is provided by Natural Resources Canada, and it seems to be currently unavailable.

Does anyone have a connection at NRC? It is probably something that could be fixed easily with some communication.

For future consideration: It would be ideal if the entire integration wasnā€™t prevented from being set up / started up if only the radar canā€™t be loaded.


In my install I did not add the map at all in the UI nor yaml, however the entire integration seems broken right now, not pulling any data

Just confirming that Iā€™m also seeing this same error, thought it was because of my recent update to 2021.12 :sweat_smile:

I totally agree. @gwww do you think that would be relatively simple?

Not sure on the simplicity. It might be easy. Or not. The challenge is that the data coordinator for radar is setup at the same time as the one for weather. They cannot be separated as far as I know.

Iā€™m more curious why hung radar is blocking weather. Weā€™ll have to see if thereā€™s another API that can be used in init.

Me too! I rolled back and itā€™s still broken. Then I searched. :sweat_smile:

The vulnerability ā€œLog4Shellā€ is making headlines worldwide. Many GoC Servers are shut down as a precaution until a patch is applied. I suspect itā€™s whatā€™s got us into this problem.


Yes, that most likely explains it!


Iā€™ve added a fallback map service that will correct this error, and the change will be released with 2021.12.2. Thanks for your patience.


Thank you for your diligent work on this issue. Very much appreciated.

Thatā€™s great Michael. Thanks for pushing this out so quickly. What fallback map service did you use?

For the future, you may want to add in a config option to the set-up dialog in config flow for the map service like some HA integrations do.

Iā€™m using Mapbox. Since it requires an API key Iā€™m running the requests through a proxy function in my AWS account for now, but longer term we could look at adding an API key parameter to the config so users could provide their own.

2021.12.2 has been released and has resolved this issue in my local install. Please update to this version and let me know if you have any issues.

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Rookie questionā€¦ I pulled in the fix before updating to 2021.12.2 by fumbling my way through the ā€œCustom deps deploymentā€ add-on. Now that itā€™s been officially updated, is there anything I need to do to disable that? Or will the new update simply overwrite it?

Working well for me.