EPEX Spot and Awattar Electricity Prices

I wonder if this is it.
It feels like it is. The numbers feels right.

How I see it you need to put 2, 1 and 6.
The 0.102 = 100% + 2% Surcharge
1 = Absolute surcharge
1.06 = 100% + 6% tax

SOLUTION for SmartEnergy.AT is the screenshot HERE!

Thank you @AkshayR and of course @webwude for the information and the detailed description of the steps.
I’ve had the same issues with SmartEnergy.AT and tried all values from their homepage but without any success.

Your’s screenshot here was the solution, although I don’t understand the shown figures :wink:

Many, many, many thanks @webwude to you for the big effort.
Helped me a lot and is exactly what I was looking for.

But I’m struggling with some details.

I copied all the code into the respective two (current prices, tomorrow’s prices) cards in the dashboard and also got the corresponding layout - see screenshots, BUT:

  1. The marking “Now” - the current price is set back in time for me, approx. 30-45 minutes → why? - see screenshot

  2. Prices for tomorrow are displayed in the dashboard (the condition in the card must be deleted) - BUT the prices are not updated for me - see also screenshots

Servus , hast du es inzwischen hin bekommen ?

könntes du mir bitte mal wegen Awattar Dasboard weiter helfen ?


Hi there, great integration and great sensor!
I have set-up everything and it works great.

I want to add one more thing that I can’t seem to find out how to do this. I saw @mmartin327 also wants to have this info.

Is there a way to check if next day price in the morning has a certain spread to the current evening price?
I managed to do this for the current day by template sensor and current day high and low prices. With this template sensor I decide to charge or not charge my battery.

But I would also like to decide when to discharge the battery in the evening based on the next days price. When the price spread is not large enough, then I don’t want to discharge the battery (I also use solar forecast as well as condition). So when it is not sunny and there is a small price difference I don’t want to discharge

So how can I get next day high and low price into an entity?

Am I the only one that today stopped getting this info?

a GitHub issue has already been opened here!

there is an uptdate to 3.0.0

Hallo Webwude,
Seit dem Update auf Version 3.0 mĂŒssen die Scripte fĂŒr die Apex Graphen aktualisiert werden.

entry.price_ct_per_kwh Muss mit entry.price_per_kwh ersetzt werden.

Falls die Werte weiterhin in Cent angezeigt werden sollen, muss man diesen Wert nochmals mit 100 multiplizieren.

Viele GrĂŒĂŸe

Ja das war leider eine Änderung, die meine config zerstört hat.

Hier ist meine reparierte Darstellung, die die Awattar Preise fĂŒr heute und morgen anzeigt. Weil ich noch einen Fixpreis habe, ist der als horizontale Linie als Referenz dabei. Vielleicht braucht es ja jemand :slight_smile:


type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:apexcharts-card
    graph_span: 24h
      color_threshold: true
      title: Strom Einkaufspreis aWATTar (heute)
      show: true
      show_states: true
      start: day
      show: true
      label: now
      color: darkblue
      - entity: sensor.epex_spot_data_net_price
        type: column
        extend_to: end
        unit: €/kWh
        float_precision: 3
        yaxis_id: Price
          in_header: before_now
          extremas: true
          header_color_threshold: true
          - value: 0.02
            color: 00ed01
          - value: 0.04
            color: 3af901
          - value: 0.06
            color: 87fa00
          - value: 0.08
            color: cefb02
          - value: 0.1
            color: eeff00
          - value: 0.12
            color: ffde1a
          - value: 0.14
            color: ffa700
          - value: 0.16
            color: ff8d00
          - value: 0.18
            color: ff7400
          - value: 0.2
            color: ff4d00
          - value: 0.22
            color: ff4d00
          - value: 0.24
            color: ff0000
          - value: 0.26
            color: e60000
          - value: 0.28
            color: cc0000
          - value: 0.3
            color: b30000
          - value: 0.32
            color: "990000"
          - value: 0.34
            color: "800000"
          - value: 0.36
            color: "660000"
          - value: 0.38
            color: 4d0000
          - value: 0.4
            color: "330000"
        data_generator: |
          return entity.attributes.data.map((entry) => {
            return [new Date(entry.start_time), entry.price_per_kwh];
          func: avg
          duration: 1h
      - id: Price
        decimals: 3
            text: €/kWh
          tickAmount: 5
        min: 0
        show: false
          show: true
          format: HH:00 - HH:59
          - "y": 0.089
            borderColor: "#00E396"
            borderWidth: 2
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              borderColor: "#00E396"
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              text: Fixpreis
  - type: custom:apexcharts-card
    graph_span: 24h
      color_threshold: true
      title: Strom Einkaufspreis aWATTar (morgen)
      show: true
      show_states: false
      start: day
      offset: +1day
      - entity: sensor.epex_spot_data_net_price
        type: column
        extend_to: end
        unit: €/kWh
        float_precision: 3
        yaxis_id: Price
          extremas: true
          header_color_threshold: true
          - value: 0.02
            color: 00ed01
          - value: 0.04
            color: 3af901
          - value: 0.06
            color: 87fa00
          - value: 0.08
            color: cefb02
          - value: 0.1
            color: eeff00
          - value: 0.12
            color: ffde1a
          - value: 0.14
            color: ffa700
          - value: 0.16
            color: ff8d00
          - value: 0.18
            color: ff7400
          - value: 0.2
            color: ff4d00
          - value: 0.22
            color: ff4d00
          - value: 0.24
            color: ff0000
          - value: 0.26
            color: e60000
          - value: 0.28
            color: cc0000
          - value: 0.3
            color: b30000
          - value: 0.32
            color: "990000"
          - value: 0.34
            color: "800000"
          - value: 0.36
            color: "660000"
          - value: 0.38
            color: 4d0000
          - value: 0.4
            color: "330000"
        data_generator: |
          return entity.attributes.data.map((entry) => {
            return [new Date(entry.start_time), entry.price_per_kwh];
          func: avg
          duration: 1h
      - id: Price
        decimals: 3
            text: €/kWh
          tickAmount: 5
        min: 0
        show: false
          show: true
          format: HH:00 - HH:59
          - "y": 0.089
            borderColor: "#00E396"
            borderWidth: 2
            strokeDashArray: 15
              borderColor: "#00E396"
                color: "#fff"
                background: "#00E396"
                fontSize: "16"
              text: Fixpreis

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