Error installing Home Assistant on Green

Trying to factory reset the Home Assistant Green per these instructions
and it gets stuck at “Could not resolve host:” per the image below

How can I proceed?

I’m trying to reset my green and it gets stuck per the attached image. Any suggestions?

Your Green can not reach the internet.

How should I troubleshoot that?

  1. Is it connected to your router?
  2. Is your router connected to the internet?
  3. Do you do any DNS filtering (pi-hole or similar)?
  4. What are your router DNS settings?
  5. Do you use IPv6?
  1. Yes, connected via Ethernet and showing in Attached Devices:

    Also responding to ping:

  2. Yes.

  3. Not that I’m aware of.

  4. DNS settings below:

  5. No, it’s disabled:

Additional configuration:

Try setting a static DNS, and

Disable your port forwarding rules.

Then give the reset another go.

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Changed DNS to the below and rebooted the router:

rebooted the HA Green and it’s still getting stuck:

Router Log if relevant:

Any other suggestions?

Did you also turn off the port forwarding rules?


Pretty sure this is the same as the last one but posting in case I’m missing something different:

Can you ping from your network?

Does the different IP shown mean anything?

Have you had the same issue with all devices you’ve mentioned? Do you have any firmware updates available for the router?

I’m trying to but it gets stuck per the image below. Any suggestions?

Your host machine cannot reach This indicates you have a network problem - perhaps DNS resolution. Can you reach this via another machine (PC)?

Is it just me, or does the log look like some addresses can be resolved, and others not? That would be strange…

Please disable the DMZ Server settings in the router. It is definitly not necessary and can cause a security risk for your whole network! Please disable this!

My router firmware is up to date. The error with installation has been the same for all 3 devices. The issues with the reset are specific to the Green.

I don’t have another PC other than the one that I used for the ping in my previous reply but pinging from my iPhone results in the below: