Error installing Home Assistant on Green

Yet the curl error 6 clearly points to a DNS error.

No other static IP assigned devices at the moment. Eventually I get my 3D printer back up and running but I’ll just assign it a new IP using the new range.

And I can confirm the curl 6 error still persists after the factory reset of the router and before and after the static IP assignment.

While DHCP reservation and static IP address assignment achieve the same end result they are are not set the same way. You set a static IP address in the device settings rather than the DHCP server. Only if you have done that configuration in the device will there be an issue with the new address range.


That’s a super helpful differentiation. So I’ve been doing DHCP reservation via my router, not assigning a static IP via the device?

Once you get to the curl error, can you get command line prompt? Try hitting enter a couple of times, or try ctrl-alt-f1

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neither hitting enter a couple/few times or ctrl-alt-f1 were able to get the command line prompt.

Can you ping the green?

yes. Note that is the new IP for the Green after my router factory reset.

You know what they say,



They are both considered methods of setting a static IP address. Usually when using static IP addressees set in the device you use a different IP range than the range DHCP uses, to prevent address collisions. Administering this can be a bit of a nightmare compared to IP reservations in one big DHCP range. Specialist software is often used to keep track of everything.

Your method is fine for a small home network.

Make sure to back up your router settings once you get everything sorted.

Back to the issue at hand…

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OK, you can ping your HA box and you can ping the version server from your PC.

The question is WTF can’t the green reach the version server?

Do you have any other special network setup we should know about, like a pi-hole or other DNS filter?

Reverse proxy?

More than one router?

Holy shit! I think I got up and running?!

I was able to get to emergency cli, utilized nmcli to set the ipv4 gateway, address, and dns, did a save and reboot, and here we are!

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No pi-hole, DNS filter, reverse proxy, or multiple routers.

Should I update to 11.5 or stay at 11.4?

EDIT: Wait, you have access to home assistant?

Is there anything in the network between your internet router and the green, or is the network cable directly between the two?

YES I HAVE ACCESS!!! I must not have replied to you, see my previous post above.


Yes do the OS update.


Thank you for all your help and education Tom! You’re a legend!

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I don’t know what we did.

Probably the router factory reset and just waiting did the trick.

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