When attempting to start my server after upgrading from 0.76.x to 0.79.3 I am getting an error attemping to install open zwave, and although the server starts succesfully none of my zwave things work. I vaguely remember getting this error last time I tried to upgrade and I just installed open zwave manually. So i made sure to try that this time and it says I already have 0.4.9 of openzwave (i even tried renistalling it). I am running homeasssistant inside of a freenas jail for what its worth.
2018-10-07 19:06:18 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.requirements] Not initializing zwave because could not install requirement python_openzwave==0.4.9
2018-10-07 19:06:18 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for zwave: Could not install all requirements.
2018-10-07 19:06:30 WARNING (SyncWorker_10) [plexapi] BadRequest (401) unauthorized; Unauthorized
401 Unauthorized
2018-10-07 19:06:30 WARNING (SyncWorker_9) [plexapi] BadRequest (401) unauthorized; Unauthorized