ESP Somfy RTS Integration

I’m not an expert now and I don’t have any sensors myself, but I would assume that these also just send commands like the remote control. And if you want ESPSomfy-RTS to recognize them, you have to link them too. (Like other remote controls or groups remote control channels etc.)

@011V32 is correct. Simply open the link remote interface then trigger the sensor and it will now reflect the sun sensor commands. The Soliris is a bit more of a challenge which we are currently working through.

Unfortunately it does not with my Sensor.
When i open the link remote dialog and press the prog button or mode button nothing happens. The link remote dialog does not disappear and i dont see a new entry like for the remote.

When you press the prog button on the sensor do you see anything in the log?

No, there is nothing in the logs.

That is weird. I noticed above you indicate that there is an 80-bit transmission for up/down being sent. Are you sure that is from the sensor or is it from something else?

Maybe open the Configure Transceiver and widen the RX bandwidth to see if it starts receiving a transmission from the sensor. The tuning may be it a bit off for the sensor. Do this in increments of 30Khz pressing save in between. If the RSSI number increments that means it is hearing something.

It looks like the distance for the sensor is to far from the place where ESPSomfyRTS is located. Tweaked a bit the frequenzy and got a signal but only when i go closer to the Transceiver and the RSSI is just 70.

So i was able to link the sensor but i have no signal at the target place.

The sensor moves the blinds to the my position in the demo mode but the signal is send in 80bits. Therefore the blinds moves only in ESPSomfyRTS but not in real.

Why does the sensor sends in 56 and 80 bits?

Theoretically, the 80-bit protocol is universal for the up/down/my commands. This means that a 56-bit motor should be able to hear 80-bit signals. Is the blind paired to that sensor?

Yes, i‘ve added the sensor via link remote to the blind.

I mean is the blind paired with the Sunis as per the commissioning section of the manual? The Sunis should be moving the blind when the up or down is sent.

Yes, i am using this sensor since 10 years. May be i have deleted the sensor from the motor as i have repeated the steps two days ago after i have set a new my position.

So why would ESPSomfy RTS show it opening and closing but the blind isn’t moving? Do you see the up/down commands when the blind moves up or down?

I dont know but this happened recently in the demo mode. Let me try it tomorrow again. My guess is i have unpaired the sensor from the motor.

That would make sense. If the blind prog button has been pressed then you press the prog on the sensor it will unpair if it is already paired.

I‘ve paired the sensor again and the motors are moving again in demo mode. But in demo the blinds are fully closed and does not move to the my position configured in ESPSomfy RTS.

I need to see the logs. If you can open an issue in the Github repository that would be great. For this to work you need to have linked the sensor to the motor in ESPSomfy RTS.

To be honest it‘s weird. The sensor works again with my motors and the blinds are moving to the my position. But once the sensor triggers the motor and they are in the my position it‘s not sown in ESPSomfy. ESPSomfy still shows fully open and not that they are at the my position. And yes the sensor is added to each blind which should be triggered by the sensor.

And to provide logs is sometimes hard in particular when the sensor should write logs. Logs are only written when the log dialog is open.

Is there an option to change this that logs are continiously written for events?

Unfortunately, there is not an option to constantly write the logs. This is because ESPSomfy RTS deliberately does not write these to flash. Open another browser and leave it open. I need to see those logs when the sensor moves the blind.

Also did you set a my position in ESPSomfy RTS for those blinds that are moving? The motors do not report that position so it will need to be set from ESPSomfy RTS by holding down on the my button until the my position setter is opened.

Ya, i set the my position already after i added my motors. Is it necessary to set it again because i linked the sun sensor to the ESPSomfy device after i set the my position in ESPSomfy?

Not necessary to reset it. I just need the logs. If this is anything like the Sun/Wind sensor it doesn’t really command the motor. It indicates whether there is sun and performs the operation based on that.