ESP Somfy RTS Integration

Unfortunately not. You have IO HomeControl motors not RTS.

Not a single solution to get this working? :frowning:
I read that this Protocol is not public, is soldering a esp to one of my remotes an option? I somehow need to track the position of my remotes but could be an option right?

There are a number of third party hubs out there. I don’t and will never have any IO Home control devices as last I looked at them they require the Interweb to operate or provision. You can use Tahoma, KLF 200, and a couple of others. Here is an article talking about some of them.

I have no clou what you mean but here are some pictures

1= gnd
2= 3.3v
3= gpio13
4= gpio 5
5= gpio 18
6= gpio 23
7= gpio 19
8= gpio 12

I was referring to opening an issue on the github. It is much easier there as every conversation doesn’t get jumbled together.

Please verify the colors that you identified above are plugged into the pins identified below. I color coded these to match what you indicated above. Double check to make sure you didn’t inadvertently get one plugged into a different spot.

Then make sure these are the settings you have in the ESPSomfy RTS transceiver screen.

Checked the wiring more then twice, again. But still no result unfortunaly

Just to be sure unscrew the antenna from the transceiver. Please ensure there is a male pin in there. This actually sounds like a bad transceiver. Are you sure you have RTS, I know you said your remote was a Telis but does it say io on it anywhere? When you press the button the led should be red not green.

Checked the antenna, it has a male pin.

Pictures of the remote:

And it has a red led when pressed

Sounds like a bad transceiver.

I’ll order a new one and try again

Hello @rstrouse,

I have paired an awing with a sunis and Eolis sensor, but now I have these in RTS and under HA?


I have two deactivated entities, which I can’t activate.


Those two entities are the sun and wind binary sensors. These indicate whether Eolis is detecting wind or sun and cannot be set.

EDIT: And the sun switch is in the controls to turn on and off the sun sensor.

Its been a minute since I gave a rundown of the new capabilities for ESPSomfy RTS. So here are a few that may strike your fancy. There have been a whole lot more but with the most recent release of the firmware and HA integration here are some things you can expect.

Operating without a remote

There have been several requests to be able to operate ESPSomfy RTS without a Somfy remote. In the past this was not a possibility. However, with the latest version of ESPSomfy RTS there is a virtual remote that includes all of the possible commands that can be sent by an old school remote. This means that you can factory reset a motor and completely provision it as if you had a remote in your hand.

To do this you need only create a shade in ESPSomfy RTS then navigate to the Virtual Remote tab and select this shade from the dropdown. Then follow the instructions for your motor to perform the initial inclusion and set the end stops using the buttons on the Virtual Remote. If a long press is required to perform a specific operation simply hold down the button with your rodent or if you are on a touch screen use you finger, one of your toes, or … nevermind.

Sun/Wind Sensors

ESPSomfy RTS has also added functionality so you can add Sun/Wind sensor capability using an external sensor in HA. New services have been added to the entities that will allow you to tell the motor whether there is a wind or sun condition. These can be added to automations based upon your own sensors.

Your motors need to support the sun and wind functions but many (most) of them do.

New Motor Types

There have been a number of new motor types added. These include left, center, and right pull drapery rods. As well two types of functional garage door types have been added for one button and three button garage door motors. To round this out there is also now a Dry Contact type that works with RTS dry contact devices.

Frequency Scanner

In an attempt to get even better tuning, ESPSomfy RTS now has a frequency scanner that will march through the frequencies between 433.0 and 434.0 Mhz to match the frequency of your remote. Simply open the frequency scanner and hold down buttons on your remote. It will find the signal with the highest quality RSSI.


I’ve been having an issue with several (but not all) of my ESPSomfy RTS devices going unavailable frequently. The integration and the devices are on V2.1.6. The devices all have a strong WiFi signal. Any idea what’s causing this?

If I recall you have several ESPSomfy RTS devices. The only thing that causes an unavailable condition in HA for this integration is a network interruption that closes the socket. Is it only certain ESPSomfy RTS devices that have this issue? If the socket is interrupted on one of the ESPSomfy RTS devices then all of the entities (shades and groups) connected to that device will become unavailable. Typically ESPSomfy RTS will then try to re-establish communication.

Is the ESPSomfy RTS device rebooting at this time? How are you powering that ESPSomfy RTS device?

The issue is on all devices, although some are more frequent than others. Some devices go hours without being unavailable, others can only go minutes.

I’m powering the devices using a USB wall plug. I doubt they are rebooting. I have a Unifi Wifi system with really good coverage, so it shouldn’t be dropping the WiFi signal.

Check the Home Assistant log. I’ll venture that there will be corresponding “Connection to remote host was lost” from the websocket.

Here is the log entry that seems to be tied to it going unavailable.

2023-09-27 16:20:20.247 ERROR (SyncWorker_9) [websocket] ping/pong timed out - goodbye

And the log entry once it’s available again.

2023-09-27 16:17:51.897 WARNING (SyncWorker_8) [websocket] websocket connected

Yes that is an indication that the TCP connection was lost.

EDIT: If HA does not receive a pong within 20 seconds it will emit that error. Then it will reconnect when a TCP connection is re-established. I can only assume that the ping timeout occurred before the reconnect because your two messages above cannot be true.

Thank you for this hardware and this excellent integration which works very well the first time.
Just a wish for one of the next versions: would you be able to integrate a new tab in the firmware to be able to control the unused GPIOs of the ESP.
Let me explain, I also have Velux shutters that I control with 2 switches (GPIO) on an ESP32 with ESPHome linked to HomeAssistant. The idea is to be able to control these 2 GPIOs via your hardware to have a single ESP to control all the shutters.
This possibility would also allow other people to control lights or others thinks with the unused GPIOs.
Thank you for reading and congratulations again for your development.