ESP Somfy RTS Integration

Maybe a bit late to the party, but this is very well documented software, good to follow along and a very pleasing GUI.
I just wanted to ask if I can use my Lilygo T3 433 LORA board. I installed the software, but could not get the GPIO’s to work. Then I realized this board has the transciever integrated. I have a pinout here, but cannot make any sense out of how to name the RX and TX respectively.
I probably answer my own question by saying this board is most likely not supported by ESPSomfy-RTS. Maybe someone can give me the verdict.
Thank you in advance.

I really, haven’t messed with that board. Bear in mind when we are talking about RX and TX we are not referring to the serial UART that is attached to the comms for the ESP32. These are typically labeled RXD and TXD and are used by the serial console. However, if this does have a CC1101 chip in it then this would be my guess at the mapping. RX and TX are shared on 26.


Thank you very much. The chip goes by the name of SX1278 for the 433Mhz one. The shared RX TX makes sense, I never thought of the possibility.
I’ll give it a try anyway and let you know. If it doesn’t work, at least it will be worth mentioning in your consice manual and if it does, well, then no more soldering and wiring for many and a honorable mention in your manual.

For sure. I don’t have many of the devices mentioned in there. The user community has been a great help in testing those options. An integrated radio would be a great option. Don’t forget that an antenna tuned for 915Mhz might not be the best option so make sure you use a 433Mhz antenna.

Unfortunately, the Liylgo T3 433 Mhz SX1278 doesn’t work. One for the statistics then. Thanks for helping.

While there was an off chance that it was register compatible that was very much a longshot. I did some research and that radio does look interesting. I may pick one up to see if there is an ability to create a hardware layer for it. There are a bunch of things occupying my time before that though even though it looks like something fun to play with.

Thanks for the great integration!
One question about sensors:
is it possible to link the eolis windsensor only to the integration and not to any somfy motor?
And can we use it in HA as a sensor?
Like a virtual awning with the eolis linked.
I like to use the eolis but don’t have a somfy motor to link it to…

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Yes create an awning and do not pair it to a motor. Then link the eolis to this awning by clicking the link remote button, then press the prog button on the sensor.

If the eolis is sending sensor messages then these should appear in the Frame Log no matter what but if there is chatter from the sensor it will show in the Somfy RTS-HA integration as a wind binary sensor with the name you gave the awning it.

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Seems to work, have to test tommorrow. Thanks.

great project! have everything wired up ready to upload firmware.

Downloaded the onboard.bin file and flashed it with esphomeflasher but I get this error:
Chip Info:

  • Chip Family: ESP32
  • Chip Model: ESP32D0WDQ6 (revision 1)
  • Number of Cores: 2
  • Max CPU Frequency: 240MHz
  • Has Bluetooth: YES
  • Has Embedded Flash: NO
  • Has Factory-Calibrated ADC: YES
  • MAC Address: 24:0A:C4:61:B8:AC
    Uploading stub…
    Running stub…
    Stub running…
    Changing baud rate to 460800
  • Flash Size: 4MB
    Unexpected error: The firmware binary is invalid (magic byte=FF, should be E9)

Is there something I missed?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: so i just tried via ESPHome web and that worked!

My gosh this is really well put together. After flashing it all worked flawless from programming to integrating into Home Assistant. Really well done!

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Is it possible to purchase some box ready to use ?

If you get in touch with @prbtt he was making a board that had the components on it. This really is pretty easy to do if he doesn’t have a solution for you. It is fewer steps than folding a pizza box and doesn’t come with the risk of paper cuts.


I still get Radio not Initialized as error and I do not know why.
According to your documentation it could be that

If the message does not disappear, then you likely have an issue with your pin selections.

I check the wiring so many times, and I am 100% sure, it is correct.
My Hardware:
AZDelivery ESP32 Dev Kit C V4 NodeMCU

Any other idea to debug?
I ordered a new CC1101, maybe my current one is faulty.

I connected it like this:

2.VCC 3,3V
3.GDO0 / TX GPIO13
8.GDO2 / RX GPIO12

If you checked enable radio and saved it and your wiring is good then the transceiver isn’t accepting the settings from ESPSomfy RTS. This could be a bad transceiver.

Version 2.0.0 firmware, application, and Home Assistant integration has been released. This release contains major functionality for adding authentication and motor grouping. There are also new state variables for the home assistant component as well as new UI layouts for the configuration.

A UI reference has also been added to the wiki that describes the layout of the interface components and their use.


Eolis sensor is working great with espsomfy, retraction through homeassistant automation did it’s job today.:+1:t2:
Only strange behavior is that the sensor keeps displaying vibration detected. Only after espsomfy reboot it states normal again.
Is there a possibility to auto reset after seconds or minutes or through ha automation?

Eolis should send a sensor message after the vibration has cleared. Open an issue on the repo and lets capture the sensor readings. This should clear on its own 12 minutes after the sensor gives the all clear. It does this so the sensors do not fight each other.

It was a bad transceiver … :slight_smile: Thanks

Update: I just updated to version 2.0 and now with the new transceiver I am still getting “radio not initialized”

Please submit an issue on the github repo. This is strange in that is seems like there is a wiring issue. The issue here si with the CSN, SCK, MOSI, and MISO pin connections. The message is cleared when ESPSomfy RTS sets the registers on the transceiver and the transceiver can echo them back.

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As transceiver was working with the older firmware, I downgraded the esp to 1.7.2 again but still get “Radio not initialized”. I also rewired using new jumping wires, but no luck.
Will solder the esp and transceiver to a board, once I get the sockets. Will report then.

Thanks you your work on this awesome integration :slight_smile: