ESP Somfy RTS Integration

It wouldn’t be very likely for the firmware to be an issue here. The more likely culprits would be connectors, settings, or power supply.

If you are running a WTETH01 lan module, you may need to go into the configuration and simply save the adapter. I found that the original docs for this were wrong and the PHY settings caused conflicts with other pins. Simply saving the adapter in ESPSomfy RTS resets it so that it has all the correct settings.

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So I just had my first Somfy shade put in today as a test bed to see if I want to do more. I was planning to grab a Bond Pro to be able to control locally. I somehow stumbled across this project this past weekend and ordered the parts (even though I have never worked with ESPHome before). Within 40 minutes I had the unit built, programmed, and working with my shade.

I just want to say thank you so much. this is an incredible project that makes control fast, easy, and local. I’m now building one for a friend who has some Somfy stuff so he can get better control too.

Thank you!!!

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I am thinking of getting a Somfy Glydea curtain motor but would like to avoid cloud-based solutions. Would this also support Glydea control since it’s also RTS? I could not find a list of supported devices anywhere.

Yes there are several users with Glydea RTS.

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You are right! Turned out that the espsomfy in the garage couldn’t receive the eolis when the awning was retracted…
Moved the espsomfy to a better place and all is working, after 1 minute the eolis gives a signal no vibration!
Thanks and keep up the good work.

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May be i have overseen the note but can IO device also be integrated?

This may ultimately be the same question as Smartmatic above but does anyone know if ESPSomfy can do Velux? I only ask because the Somfy hubs can tap into their rolling codes.

I’ve had an esp wired to the remote with a template cover for some time now but actual position control is sorely missed. Times covers only goes so far.



Unfortunately, IO devices are not supported. That is a completely different protocol and frequency.

Velux RTS and RTW motors do work but the Velux IO versions do not.

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Is it possible to add an door contact to my awning wich overwrites the open/closed status from the HACS integration ? Cause if my wife opens the awning with the original remote - HA does not know its open and i cant close it via Homekit (it only work if I open it than a little and than press again for close.

If you link your original remote to the motor, then all is like you want :relaxed:

Hm but i can do Up and down via Original Remote so ist should be linked or ?

Yes. If you link the original remote to the motor in the ESPSomfy-RTS web configuration (not HA), then the status is always correct :+1:

ahhhhhh ok so i need a link between ne remote and the RTS - ok must check cause RTS is working and remote is working but i dont think i have done the „link between RTS and Remote“ must check how i can do that - thanks in advance

Hopefully you figured this out by now but if you didn’t simply edit the shade and click the Link Remote button. From then on out ESPSomfy RTS will know what position the shade is in. If multiple channels on your remote control the shade do not forget to link those as well. This would be the case if you have an All Shades channel that moves them all.

Fantastic work! Thanks for sharing it! Here my radio settings:

I still had a Lilygo ESP32 PoE lying around and am now trying to use it. When configuring, according to the documentation GDO0-TX from the transciever should be referenced to pin GPIO35 of the ESP32 but the firmware (v2.0.3) allows a maximum of GPIO31 to be selected where for GDO2-RX a drop down list up to GPIO39 is available. Multiple GPIOs are not available because they are used up in the module for the LAN module and the SD card reader. Is that limitation in the drop down list up to GPIO31 for GDO0-TX intentional? What is eluding me?


Looking at that it is incorrect. GPIO35 is an input only. Whichever pin you have connected to GDO0 should be the setting you have for TX. GPIO35 can be used for RX. The docs should have read GPIO0-04 for TX and GPIO-35 for RX and GPIO-04 should be connected to GDO0. I will be getting that doc sorted out soon.

If you have an E07-M1101D transceiver

  • IO35 - GDO2-RX (Pin 8 on the transceiver)
  • IO04 - GDO0-TX (Pin 3 on the transceiver)

Just setup this integration and the shutters work as expected. However, I messed up linking the remote and am unable to delete the remote from the shade configuration. The delete button does not have any effect. Is there another way to delete the remote pairing?

There is a a script error on the confirmation dialog. If you load the SomfyController.ino.esp32.bin firmware file and the SomfyController.littlefs.bin file from the main repository this will fix the script error for you. I will be pushing this to a release later today.

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That fixed the problem, thanks for your awesome support!