Santa brought me a ESP-WROOM-32 because I would like to make a salt-level-indicator. I thought I could easily follow the instructions found here
But : I cannot find a 5 volts output and whats more confusing …my esp has two rows of pin holes on both sides
So can some of you tell what row to use and where to find the 5v output ? Or did I ask Santa for the wrong hardware ??
Instead of D1 and D2 change the config to use GPIO25 and GPIO32. These are labelled IO25 and IO32 and are in the outside row of pins on your board
IO25: to Trig
IO32: to Echo
So the full config would be:
name: salt_level_sensor
platform: ESP32
board: mhetesp32minikit
# WiFi connection, replace these with values for your WiFi.
ssid: !secret Wifi_SSID
password: !secret Wifi_PWD
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
# Enable over-the-air updates.
# Enable Web server.
port: 80
# Sync time with Home Assistant.
- platform: homeassistant
id: homeassistant_time
# Text sensors with general information.
# Expose ESPHome version as sensor.
- platform: version
name: salt_level_sensor ESPHome Version
# Expose WiFi information as sensors.
- platform: wifi_info
name: salt_level_sensor IP
name: salt_level_sensor SSID
name: salt_level_sensor BSSID
# Exposed switches.
# Switch to restart the salt_level_sensor.
- platform: restart
name: "salt_level_sensor Restart"
# Uptime sensor.
- platform: uptime
name: salt_level_sensor Uptime
# WiFi Signal sensor.
- platform: wifi_signal
name: salt_level_sensor WiFi Signal
update_interval: 60s
- platform: ultrasonic
trigger_pin: GPIO25
echo_pin: GPIO32
name: "Saltlevel in percent"
update_interval: 12h
# Calculates in %
# Replace 0.42 by the height of your container. From the sensor to the bottom.
# I used this website to know how I should multiply my values :
- lambda: return (0.42-x)*(100/0.42);
unit_of_measurement: "%"
- platform: ultrasonic
trigger_pin: GPIO25
echo_pin: GPIO32
name: "Saltlevel in cm"
update_interval: 12h
# Replace the 0.42 by the height of your container. From the sensor to the bottom.
# I multiplied by 100 in order to get CM since the sensor works in meters
- lambda: return (0.42-x)*100;
unit_of_measurement: "cm"
I have one of these boards, or a similar copy from the same design. Vcc (next to pin IO2) is most definitely connected to the USB 5V in and supplies the 3.3V regulator for the board.
I am a noob with this kind of stuff so I have to believe you are right, but please look at the picture. Am i doing smething wrong. Is use the outer row of the board (third pin)
What is more, get some sort of vise arrangement to hold the board still. You need one hand on the iron, one on the solder, don’t let the board skate around on the desk while you chase it with the iron. Something like this
Also a stand for the iron, if you have to put it down in a hurry, don’t just drop it on the desk. That vise I pointed to has one built in, but if you use something without a built in then there are these (although make sure it is heavy enough to hold the iron securely).
And above all don’t do like this idiot who was so concentrated on his first soldering that he picked up the soldering stick from the hot side Nice hamburger smell
I have “tested” the hot side.
The cable was slightly twisted so I figured I could use the other hand to help with the untwisting.
It’s painful in case anyone is unsure.