ESP32-Audio-Kit (ESP32-A1S) with Squeezelite for Notifications

Just received the ESP32-Audio-Kit. I ordered it after this post clued me in on there existence. And it peeked my interest.

Some good guides for the board:

After reading both guides. I had the board up and running in 10 min’s

Hope it helps.


When using Squeezelite on these ESP32 Audio Kits, does it show up as a media device in home assistant? I’m looking for a easy way to create a local speaker that can play the Nabu Casa TTS. Seems like they might include it in ESPHome at some point but until then I would like to find another solution.

I haven’t gotten that far yet.
However the LMS addon (GitHub - pssc/ha-addon-lms: Logitech Media Server Addon for Home Assistant) and the esp32 plugin for LMS do see the audio kit as a player. So…

Next weekend I’ll have time to play with the Squeezelite addon. (GitHub - pssc/ha-addon-squeezelite: Squeezelite Player Addon for Home Assistant, for use with a Logitech Media Server)

On a side note. After browsing the Esphome git repository, there appears to be positive movement on the audio front.

Edit: I happened upon a 3d printable encloser for the board. (GitHub - thomaspreece/ESP32-A1S_Squeezebox_Case: A 3D printable case for an ESP-A1S running Squeezebox)

squeezelite devices appear as media players in HA. See Logitech Squeezebox - Home Assistant

Will I only need the Squeezelite firmware for the ESP32 and then the Home Assistant Squeezebox integration? I wasn’t sure if the Logitech Media Server was also needed.

Reading this Home assistant community addons : Logitech Media Server (lms) & Squeezelite Leads me to believe yes,a lms server is needed on your network. Be it from the LMS ( ̶h̶a̶s̶s̶.̶i̶o̶ ) HassOS (still forget the proper name) addon or from a LMS server setup elsewhere on your network.

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That’s right.

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It’s real easy to have notifications with the ESP32 audio kit!

  1. Setup a LMS server ether by the experimental addon (it works well) or somewhere on your network. I ultimately choose to install LMS on my media server.

  2. Then install the squeezelite-esp32 firmware (GitHub - sle118/squeezelite-esp32: ESP32 Music streaming based on Squeezelite, with support for multi-room sync, AirPlay, Bluetooth, Hardware buttons, display and more) and with the help of the howto links in the post above for the firmware on the Audio kit.
    And there is is another (long) thread that has good nuggets of knowledge if you dig through it. And ask for help in that thread if needed. (ANNOUNCE: Squeezelite-ESP32 (dedicated thread))

  3. After you have LMS up and running and the Audio kit flashed, log in to LMS and you should be able to use the Audio kit as a player by looking for it in the upper right of the LMS server page and choosing it in the drop down box:
    I named my kit Testbox =)

4.Then add the Logitech Squeezebox integration to Hass. It maybe discovered all ready for you. If not, you will need to add it by hand via the:

Once added you you should see something like this within the Squeezebox integration :

  1. Make sure you have ether:
    default_config: or media_source:
    in your config.yaml. If it is you should be able to use Hass’s media browser to view your media collection.

  2. Now lets say you have a button/device named “doorbell” and a .mp3 clip named “doorbell ring chime.mp3” in your LMS media collection. You can create an automation like:

Your done! Easy as that.

My first attempt at a tutorial. So is rough on the edges.
Hope it’s of help


Good work, but 1. and 3. are the same. (It may confuse some)

Also I think most of us still appreciate the yaml versions of autmomations.

But your automation is easy to implement from your instructions.

Was editing that as you wrote. fixed =)
I to use .yaml most of the time.
But Hey the Dev,s made it easy for anyone to add complex automation’s without knowing Yaml at all. might as well use it once in a wile.

Missing an ‘e’.

Fixed. i think.

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I made ESP32 Audio Kit (Ai Thinker ESP32-A1S) working with ESPHome I2S Media Player.

Model: ESP32-A1S 2974 (DAC: ES8388)

Here is the ESPHome Yaml: ESP32 Audio Kit (Ai Thinker ESP32-A1S) - ESPHome I2S Media Player -

See it here: [ESPHome] ESP32-Audio-Kit (ESP32-A1S) - YouTube

  name: esp32-audio-kit
  board: esp-wrover-kit
    type: arduino
  password: "api-password-here"
  password: "ota-password-here"
  ssid: "your-ssid-here"
  password: "your-ssid-password-here"
    ssid: "esp32-audio-kit Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "fallback-hotspot-password-here"
  sda: GPIO33
  scl: GPIO32
  - source: github://pr#3552
    components: [es8388]
    refresh: 0s
  - platform: i2s_audio
    name: "ESP32 Audio Kit"
    dac_type: external
    i2s_lrclk_pin: GPIO25
    i2s_dout_pin: GPIO26
    i2s_bclk_pin: GPIO27
    mode: stereo
      number: GPIO21
      inverted: true
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO21
    name: "AMP Switch"
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO39
      inverted: true
        input: true
    name: "Jack Status"
  - platform: binary
    name: "Test LED 1"
    output: light_output_1
  - platform: binary
    name: "Test LED 2"
    output: light_output_2
  - id: light_output_1
    platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO22
    inverted: true
  - id: light_output_2
    platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO19
    inverted: true

Nice, This works well :+1:

Although, I’m not sure that I have ES8388 My board marking says ESP32 Audio Kit V2.2 A210.

I’m also able to get the Keys 1-3 working, and 4-6 is making a lot of noise! After taking a look, I see those Keys are missing capacitors compare to keys 1-3 :sob:

Anyone interested, I Added these as binary_sensors:

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO036
      inverted: true
    name: "Key 1"
      - delayed_off: 10ms

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO013
      inverted: true
    name: "Key 2"
      - delayed_off: 10ms
  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO019
      inverted: true
    name: "Key 3"
      - delayed_off: 10ms

just bough an ESP32 Audio Kit V2.2 -for use as a notifyer /smart music player
and i am wondering how to flash squeezelite-esp32 firmware onto it
wondering if any one can tell uss what we can use to flash the firmware

i manged to get the firmware.bin files for the board(squeezelite-esp32-ESP32-A1S.32.699.master)

  • just dont know what i can use to flash it /how

Just use the web installer by @balloob.
For the esp32-a1s you should choose the I2S option.

Does anyone know if that squeezelite-esp32 image can do automatic latency adjust like snapcast as there is a snapcast-esp but doesn’t seem complete as lacks certain codecs, but the main problem supposedly was the memory for the buffering even with 512k but maybe it just a lacked bit of support as the GitHub - jorgenkraghjakobsen/snapclient: WIP snapclient on ESP32.

Hence I just got 2x good quality ebay bookshelf speakers 75watt, 2x sure-electronics 100 watt amps & 2x ES9018K2M ES9018 I2S Input Decoding Board but mainly because I had 2x RaspberryPiZero2.
I looked at squeezelite-esp and it just didn’t seem to have the jitter or latency compensation methods to match snapcast and is that correct as still to see any documentation or code?

So a couple of questions really firstly the one about squeezelite-esp and a 2nd has anyone tried GitHub - jorgenkraghjakobsen/snapclient: WIP snapclient on ESP32 as didn’t, as feel far more confdent on the Pi and Python as can hack a bit of C but not much more.

tnx -wil give it a try as soon as my board arives

Ive got it flashed with squeezebox .but i am not getting any output to my speaker . through a 3.5 m audio jack
cant get any sound to it with lms server -for testing

im i missing somthing -

What is the version of the firmware you have flashed? If you have squeezelite-esp32-master-v4.3-I2S-4MFlash-32-1.1034.bin you can choose a preset acording to your variant:

If not you can flash it ota by the updates tab and then upload the bin with the Local File option.
Let me know if you need more help.
It depends on wich dac version you have, there are three variants. Here you can read all about it. In the hardware tab you can fill in thoose values. You can take a shortcut and activate ‘show NVS editor’ in the credits tab and edit the gpio values for your variant there.