Hello everyone,
I’m using an ESP32-C6 board connected to two A02YYUW ultrasonic distance sensors. When I enable both sensors, my device reboots continuously and I get an error in the logs:
[W][uart.idf:088]: Maximum number of UART components created already. [E][component:119]: Component uart was marked as failed. [E][component:164]: Component uart set Error flag: unspecified ... assert failed: xQueueSemaphoreTake queue.c:1653 (( pxQueue )) Core 0 register dump: ... Rebooting...
My YAML Configuration
name: test
board: esp32-c6-devkitc-1
type: esp-idf
- platform: esphome
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
- platform: "a02yyuw"
name: "Level 1"
uart_id: uart_1
- platform: "a02yyuw"
name: "Level 2"
uart_id: uart_2
- id: uart_1
tx_pin: GPIO04
rx_pin: GPIO05
baud_rate: 9600
- id: uart_2
tx_pin: GPIO11
rx_pin: GPIO10
baud_rate: 9600
What I’ve tried:
- Changing the pins used by the second sensor
- Disabling one or both sensors in code to see if it’s a pin conflict
- Checking power supply adequacy
Result: No luck so far. I still get constant reboots anytime the second sensor is active. Both sensors individually seem to work, but not at the same time.
- Has anyone successfully run two A02YYUW sensors on an ESP32-C6 at the same time?
- Do I need special pins, a software serial approach, or is this a hardware limitation?
- Any suggestions on how to solve the reboot/crash issue?
Thank you in advance for any tips or pointers!