My new TTGO T-Camera plus is finally up and running. Unfortunately it is having some trouble. When it tries to connect to to show a live feed or a picture it’s not showing anything and I get a login attempt or request with invalid authentication from (ip). It’s like it is trying to connect from outside the network. Also when I’m trying the OTA it first connects than disconnects saying “WARNING Disconnected from API: Timeout while waiting for message response!”
I don’t know what to do anymore. It works via usb and is giving me Got Image: len=11017 and so on.
It only appears when the camera is trying to show a feed or connect via ota in esphome. It’s like the esphome api isn’t working? Or am I suppose to move this question to another thread?
It’s possibly your own IP address? You can google whatsmyip to find out. In which case it is your router or something misconfigured somewhere. (Or someone else in Sweden trying to look at your camera!)
It is my own ip. When trying to see it from my phone outside the network I’m getting a similar ip warning. It’s so weird that my other esp multi sensor is working just fine but the camera is “blocked”
I think I have found the problem. I did a log on it via OTA and it seems like it disconnects from the api after initial setup and from there it tries to connect again but isn’t allowed.
I also got my TTGO Cam Plus and I am running into the same issues just that on my side I am getting invalid logon from the IP of the computer I use to browse the HA page.
I have another ESP32 camera flashed a while ago that is running fine. Unfortunately I do not have the same development environment to test with. I did tried reverting the ESPHome to 1.13.0 and 1.13.6 the behaviour was similar. Maybe the 37000+ byte image payload is too much for the API.
The original FW on the board worked for the demo purposes ok.
Maybe I have an hardware issue. I don’t know how to track this API disconnections.
I have exactly the same problem. I have tried different kind of things for 3 weeks. The api keeps bugging out everytime. I tried running it as a webserver and connecting but still not working. I think the best thing to do is buy the ttgo and not the plus.
I think that some pins needed a better default state than what the normal default is.
It is still running a bit slow and I am not seeing any increase on the frame rate once it is streaming but there are no more API disconnections, or at least as long as it took this to write this.