ESP32 Cam - working!

Did you already unplug and reattach the lens? In the past that worked for me when the camera setup always failed.

I have not tried it with the first one, but the second which is new in the package I had to insert the lens to the board for the initial setup didn’t work. Which leads me to believe it could be version issue either with HA or esphome??

Hi. Do you have to take off this MB from ESP32-CAM in order to use with HA? Or it can be used as it is. I mean: can you use through MB to power of ESP-CAM?


Just to add to this thread, I got a M5Stack Timer Cam F working with the help of the yml file snippets posted by @daveyrb and @frank451, however needed to replace data pin GPIO17 with GPIO32 following the pinmap in [1]. Otherwise I ran into got invalid frame from camera! and last boot was an unhandled reset errors which were a bit cryptic for me.


[1] m5-docs

How about adding that to the esphome docs?

There are some new features in esp32cam in esphome 2022.2

Been looking trough all the post but did not find any recommendations…
Witch cam are recommended with highest resolution and decent frames?

Hello all,
trying to use this camera in an battery application to get every serveal hours an picture. Found a solution here:

But I cannot compile:

Could not find file '/config/esphome/driver/rtc_io.h'. Please make sure it exists (full path: /config/esphome/driver/rtc_io.h).

It seems to be, this rtc_io is an lib whih is not available in ESPhome standard installation. Any idea from where to get and how to integrate?


Essentially every esp32 camera I have seen is based on the same chipset. Not to say that there are not manufacturing differences and the usual quality problems with cheaply put together devices with crappy capacitors, voltage regulators and the like, but the camera hardware is usually the same on all of them.

Hi there,

Sorry, if this is not the right place to post this. If not, please advice where I should go.

As mentioned by nickrout in post 495 above, there are new and more advanced ESPHome features for configuring esp32cam. Details are here: and

And, on that page it is described that is now possible to “push camera parameters to module, initially present into setup() method. This piece of code was put into pubic API to allowing update of parameters “on-the-fly”. Behavior during setup() is not changed. In addition, temporary solution consist to make user-defined service (detailed into config.yaml example, below). Result is one service available on home assistant to update camera parameters easily, to view influence of modification without need to recompile firmware.”

I am having difficulties figuring out what this exactly means. For one I am not sure what the config.yaml is, but I assume it is configuration.yaml in home assistant?

But, more importantly, I do not how to use the proposed code. There is an API part with some lambda for the different camera parameters. I do not how to set the different settings, ie how do I feed into those parameters?

And, assuming somebody explains that, how are these parameters then fed into the camera?

And below that there is the # ESP32-CAM configuration with pins etc, which looks like the one that goes into the ESPHome file. I tried including that also in the configuration.yaml, but that did not work?

Perhaps I got this all wrong? Should it go into the ESPHome yaml? And if so, how do I then feed the parameters to the camera.

Very confused here, but sure there is a simple solution…

The example config is for your esphome yaml. (Clue, it has lambdas, which ha doesn’t have)

The esphome config provides ha services which will change the cam’s parameters on the fly, see Native API Component — ESPHome


Thanks a lot for this nickrout! That was it, works now.

What I want to do is to change the settings for day and night. I can get a really clear night picture with a high agc_value, but then it is all white during the day. So if anybody got some good settings for that, please let me know.

Hello, I have a problem, maybe some one can help me.
I’m using this ESP32 cam with my home assistant. Is working quite good, for the live stream.

esphome config:

  name: esp32_cam_new
    pin: GPIO0
    frequency: 20MHz
    sda: GPIO26
    scl: GPIO27
  data_pins: [GPIO5, GPIO18, GPIO19, GPIO21, GPIO36, GPIO39, GPIO34, GPIO35]
  vsync_pin: GPIO25
  href_pin: GPIO23
  pixel_clock_pin: GPIO22
  power_down_pin: GPIO32
  vertical_flip: false
  horizontal_mirror: false

An entity esp32_cam_new appears which I can show in dashboard.

Now I want to have a possibility to store from time to time a snapshot. But is not working. The trigger via MQTT works, but the snapshot isn’t stored on expected location.

esphome config:

  username: !secret mqtt_username
  password: !secret mqtt_passwort
    - topic: esp32_cam/takesnapshot
      payload: 'ON'
        # - light.turn_on: esp32cam_light
        - output.set_level:
            id: esp32camnew_light
            level: "100%"
        - delay: 1000ms
        - logger.log: Calling snapshot service
        - homeassistant.service:
            service: camera.snapshot
              entity_id: camera.birdbox_camera
              filename: '/config/www/tmp/snapshot-birdbox.jpg'
        - delay: 1000ms
        - logger.log: Calling local_file service

        - homeassistant.service:
            service: local_file.update_file_path
              entity_id: camera.birdbox_snapshot
              file_path: '/config/www/tmp/snapshot-birdbox.jpg'
        - logger.log: Called snapshot service
        - delay: 1000ms
        - logger.log: Sleeping
        - output.set_level:
            id: esp32camnew_light
            level: "0%"

If I trigger snapshot from MQTT I get following output. Also the light becomes active, so trigger is working, but nothing stored:

[06:55:47][D][main:102]: Calling snapshot service
[06:55:48][D][main:113]: Calling local_file service
[06:55:48][D][main:120]: Called snapshot service
[06:55:49][D][main:127]: Sleeping
[06:55:49][D][sensor:125]: 'SupplyVoltage': Sending state 5.05337 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[06:55:50][D][esp32_camera:168]: Got Image: len=19048
[06:55:54][D][sensor:125]: 'SupplyVoltage': Sending state 5.05337 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[06:55:59][D][sensor:125]: 'SupplyVoltage': Sending state 5.05337 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[06:56:00][D][esp32_camera:168]: Got Image: len=19439
[06:56:01][D][sensor:125]: 'ESP32CamNew YT WiFi Signal': Sending state -52.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
[06:56:04][D][sensor:125]: 'SupplyVoltage': Sending state 5.05337 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[06:56:09][D][sensor:125]: 'SupplyVoltage': Sending state 5.05337 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[06:56:10][D][esp32_camera:168]: Got Image: len=18438
[06:56:14][D][sensor:125]: 'SupplyVoltage': Sending state 5.05337 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[06:56:16][D][main:102]: Calling snapshot service
[06:56:17][D][main:113]: Calling local_file service
[06:56:18][D][main:120]: Called snapshot service
[06:56:19][D][main:127]: Sleeping

In my home assistant yaml file I have following configuration:

  customize: !include customize.yaml
  packages: !include_dir_named packages
        - "/config/www/tmp/"

  - platform: local_file
    name: birdbox Snapshot
    file_path: /tmp/snapshot-birdbox.jpg

I have installed my home assistant in a container on Raspi4B.

Any idea, what happens wrong here?

Fixed the Problem by myself. Entity name for snaphot service was wrong…

This seems to work:

  - platform: monochromatic
    output: gpio_4
    name: PWM light
    id: pwm_light
        - light.turn_on:
            id: pwm_light
            brightness: 10%


  - platform: ledc
    pin: GPIO4
    id: gpio_4
    channel: 2
    max_power: 0.25

Control the led with a slider

  - platform: ledc
    pin: GPIO4
    channel: 2 # channel 1 is used for esp32_camera
    id: led

  - platform: template
    name: Câmera Led
    optimistic: true
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 100
    step: 1
    mode: slider
        lambda: 'id(led).set_level(x/150);'

But how to make the LED turn on just while taking the image?

I didn’t test, but I think you can call number.set service if you are using HA automation.

Any tips/prep on how to solder the resistor to use the external antenna with a conventional solder iron?