How ?
Would you mind explain? I’m using espflasher installed on Windows 10 and there is no logs option there.
How ?
Would you mind explain? I’m using espflasher installed on Windows 10 and there is no logs option there.
Plug the esp32 into the machine that runs esphome. Run
esphome logs config.yaml
where config.yaml is your esp’s yaml file.
I had a similar issue and in fact espflasher eventually throws a message recommending a static ip. I set it up per the docs and problem solved.
Tried already, would you mind share your config, I will try again?
this is what i have:
name: 'ble_cam_bridge'
platform: ESP32
board: nodemcu-32s #mhetesp32devkit
ssid: "ssid"
password: "password"
# Set this to the IP of the ESP
# Set this to the IP address of the router. Often ends with .1
# The subnet of the network. works for most home networks.
port: 80
password: 'password'
pin: GPIO0
frequency: 20MHz
sda: GPIO26
scl: GPIO27
data_pins: [GPIO5, GPIO18, GPIO19, GPIO21, GPIO36, GPIO39, GPIO34, GPIO35]
vsync_pin: GPIO25
href_pin: GPIO23
pixel_clock_pin: GPIO22
power_down_pin: GPIO32
# Image settings
name: espcam_living
tried, do you in which directory the esphome installed?
Wondering if anyone succeeded flashing ESP32 camera through Home Assistant and also having webstream through browser. I saw one of the statement above about the webserver on port 80 but apparently its not for stream. Or do we have to load Arduino or any different sketch to have webserver?
esphome Guru says: no
esphome only supports streaming the camera images through the api directly to home assistant. There is no other implementation for now.
So long, the Guru
Or else get the logging from the UI
Is anyone else having an issue where the camera tries to show a picture but instead you get a notification that a login request was atempted but failed?
Any value besides 10 for jpeg_quality
makes my tt-go camera unavailable for wifi. Any one having similar issues?
I got this error running
“Component esp32_camera requires component api.”
Answer myself.
I have copied over the api: in the yaml file
How and where? I’m guessing that is what is causing my issues to.
If you don’t know how to set api in esphome, you really need to read the docs. It is also dealt with in my how to post early in this thread.
I was pasting over the copied text from above and manage to somehow paste the text so the api: was gone. I didn’t copy the complete code from above
Ohh okey Well I’ve had that api: in my esp config all the time I thought it was something else
hi, got it working with esphome, but after a while it becomes unavaliable, anyone with this problem?
there is a problem that when you open the camera in the HA and close it , the device still sending picture and after couple of hours the camera stop working , only restart fix the camera and make her work again
it is a big problem , i think that esphome is not good for the esp32-cam
I am running a slightly modified version of the original software using Arduino and I had the same issue. I added code to restart the esp32 every 10 minutes and that solved my issue. Maybe its possible to add a similar “watchdog” code through esphome?
This works for restarting the esp every 30 minutes:
- platform: sntp
# ...
# Every 30 minutes
- minutes: 30
- switch.toggle: restart_switch
- platform: restart
name: "Restart esp32 cam"
id: restart_switch