ESP8266 MQTT Dimmer for 230V?

Right now I use a bunch of Z-Wave dimmers from Fibaro to control my lights with a momentary switch that dim the light if I hold it down.
I recently bought a couple of Shelly 1 and installed them where I don’t need to be able to dim the light.

I liked them so much that I want to change my Z-Wave products to WiFi based products instead.
However, I’m using 230V GU10 LED lamps for my ceiling lights so I can’t use a LED controller if I don’t buy new lamps and I don’t want to do that.
If I bought new lamps I could use the Shelly 2LED that they offer and seems pretty nice.

I don’t really care if it is a commercial product or a DIY project as long as it isn’t to advanced.
Also I don’t think there are any dimmers as small as the Shelly 1 or the Fibaro Dimmer on the market but if there were I would love to know about it. But I have no problem with connecting the dimmer in the attic and pull some wires to my switch.

Does anyone know about a product like this?


Have you seen this video ? not sure if you could fit it behind a switch though and are your GU10s dimmable ?

No I haven’t seen that video before. Seems interesting but not exactly what I’m looking for.
I don’t really know what wattage it can handle either. I need at least 50W on one channel. The Fibaro Dimmer can handle 250W but at most I have 10x 5W lamps in one configuration so I don’t need that much.

And I’m not sure if that one can handle a momentary switch that dim the light when you keep it pressed.
Yes, my GU10s are dimmable I use them with my Fibaro Dimmer today.

I will keep looking but doesn’t seem that a 230V AC dimmer is something people want? And I don’t get it.

I was going to get these as I can put tasmota on it (MQTT)

But im hanging for Shelly to release a new dimming product. (They would be crazy not to)

Yeah I just saw that one too. Do you know if it’s possible to have a momentary switch that dim the light when it’s pressed down? Or is it up to the firmware to decide how that part is going to work?

I’m hoping that Shelly will come out with a product like this soon. I emailed them in November last year and they told me they were releasing a similar device. My guess is that they ment the Shelly 2LED.
I just mailed them again yesterday and asked what their plans where and hoping for an answer soon.

says 2 amps, the dimmer module manufacture is on facebook and has a good website, might be worth asking, not seen one with a momentary switch to alter dimming, but the ESP8266 has plenty of spare inputs so maybe possible

I just got an answer from Shelly and they said that they are working on a 230V dimmer but wont be until later this year.
I think I can wait and see what they will release so I’m going to wait this out I think.

I was hoping this product would be reviled today at CES.
How much more must I have to wait :frowning:

how to connect this robodyn dimmer with tasmota or esphome ?

is that possible ?

is there any working ac dimmer circuit ?

did you end up getting to control the robodyn via esphome ?

There is a new tuya in wall WiFi dinner mentioned here:

No one managed to get it working with tasmota yet but people are working on it…

I have build a 230V ac dimmer myself.

i’m in the proces of redesiging it, the new design is running on only a esp32 and no attiny, the test setup run’s good.

keep watching the git page, updates are placed there.

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Wow this looks super interesting! Will keep an eye on this, thanks

What is the schematic of this project ?

it’s on the github, in the directory kicad its called Dimmer.sch
first you have to install kicad, its free to download.

Yesterday Shelly released Shelly Dimmer… there is also SL version that is working without N line. :wink:

Anyways, I’m doing new electrical wiring in my flat and my wife wants to use some fancy LED bulbs with LED drivers. And I would like to use new shellies for dimming purpose. But I’m totally lost, for switching I would use Jung push button, what kind of driver DALI, 0-10V? Main question is can I use external dimmer for this setup, what about compatibility? Hope someone help me with some good advices how to approach this?



I have made it working with esp32 controller running esphome.


  name: panel-7
    - my_custom_component.h
    - RBDdimmer

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

# Enable logging
  username: mohammad
  password: ******

  level: VERBOSE
    mqtt.component: DEBUG
    mqtt.client: ERROR

# Enable Home Assistant API

  password: "***********"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Panel-7 Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "********"


- lambda: |-
    auto my_custom = new MyCustomComponent();
    return {my_custom};

home assistant config

  - platform: mqtt
    command_topic: "c01/panel_1/output/dimmer1"
    payload_off: "OFF"
    payload_on: "ON"
    name: "Living Room Fan"
    unique_id: "my_fan_001"
    speed_range_min: 1
    speed_range_max: 100
    percentage_command_topic: "c01/panel_1/output/dimmer1/speed"
    percentage_state_topic: "c01/panel_1/output/dimmer1/speed/state"
    state_topic: "c01/panel_1/output/dimmer1/state"


#include "esphome.h"

#include "RBDdimmer.h"

#define outputPin  26

#define zerocross  23

int speed=0;

dimmerLamp dimmer(outputPin,zerocross);

class MyCustomComponent : public Component, public CustomMQTTDevice {


  void setup() override {

    dimmer.begin(NORMAL_MODE, ON);


    // This will be called once to set up the component

    // think of it as the setup() call in Arduino

    subscribe("c01/panel_1/output/dimmer1", &MyCustomComponent::on_message_switch);

    subscribe("c01/panel_1/output/dimmer1/speed", &MyCustomComponent::on_message_speed);

    // also supports JSON messages

    //subscribe_json("the/json/topic", &MyCustomComponent::on_json_message);


  void on_message_switch(const std::string &payload) {

    if (payload == "ON") {


      publish("c01/panel_1/output/dimmer1/state", "ON");

    } else {


      publish("c01/panel_1/output/dimmer1/state", "OFF");



  void on_message_speed(const std::string &payload) {

      speed = atoi( payload.c_str() );


      publish("c01/panel_1/output/dimmer1/state", "ON");


      publish("c01/panel_1/output/dimmer1/speed/state", payload);

