Esphome 2023.12.5 bricked my esp’s

Hi all,

I updated my Esphome to 2023.12.5 and updated all my esp modules (wall switches). After I restart HA suddenly all esp went offline. Connect them to serial and checked the log.

All modules had problems to connect the wifi connection.

Downgraded ESPhome to 2023.12.3 and cleared the esp builds and reinstalled them all via serial. They are connected again and working correct.

Does anybody else have same issues?

No help but works fine here … :man_shrugging:

No. Collect your yaml, the logs and full hardware specs and log an issue on GitHub. There may be one already logged for your device.

issue tracker.

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Same here. All fine so far.

Just tried both an arduino based and an esp-idf based one, not problems.

Ok. Will update esphome and update one of the devices and see what happen. If goes wrong will start a issue. Thanks for the feedback

Not sure if it’s related to this issue with Sonoff devices:

I had the same issue with my Wi-Fi plug so I downloaded the bin file the and connected to the failback wifi network of the plug. Then I flashed the ota update and it started working again.

Even that was not possible… The fallback wifi didn’t came up also.

This error I get now when I update 1 of the ESP:

[I][app:029]: Running through setup()... 
[I][wifi:300]: WiFi Connecting to 'MY_WIFI_NAME'... 
[W][wifi_esp8266:496]: Event: Disconnected ssid='MY_WIFI_NAME' bssid=D4:00:00:00:00:50[redacted] reason='Auth Expired' 
[W][wifi:618]: Error while connecting to network. 
[W][wifi:654]: Restarting WiFi adapter... 
[W][wifi_esp8266:496]: Event: Disconnected ssid='MY_WIFI_NAME' bssid=D4:00:00:00:00:50[redacted] reason='Authentication Failed'

It seems then it is connected all other ESP’s in the house are unstable. Take very long time before they react.

# Below all fixed settings for doorbell PCB
  devicename: meek-doorbell
  friendly: Doorbell
  neopixel: GPIO02 # (D4)
  gpio_relay4: GPIO13 # (D7)

# Everything below can be copy/paste without problem
  name: ${devicename}
    priority: 600
      - lambda: WiFi.setPhyMode(WIFI_PHY_MODE_11G);

  board: esp01_1m
  restore_from_flash: true

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  reboot_timeout: 0s
  fast_connect: true
    static_ip: ${ip}
    ssid: ${devicename}
    password: !secret password
    channel: 4

    key: !secret api_key
  reboot_timeout: 15min

  - platform: homeassistant
    id: homeassistant_time


  port: 80

  flash_write_interval: 1min
  level: INFO
  safe_mode: true
  password: !secret password

  - platform: factory_reset
    name: "${friendly} - Reset"

  - platform: neopixelbus
    default_transition_length: 0s
    type: GRB
    variant: 800KBPS
    pin: ${neopixel}
    num_leds: 1
    name: "${friendly} - Neopixel"
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF
    id: neopixel

  - platform: gpio
      number: ${gpio_relay4}
      inverted: true
    name: "${friendly} - Doorbell"

  - platform: safe_mode
    name: "${friendly} - Safe Mode"

  - platform: wifi_info
      name: "${friendly} - ip"
      icon: mdi:lan
      name: "${friendly} - ssid"
      icon: mdi:lan
      name: "${friendly} - bssid"
      icon: mdi:lan
      name: "${friendly} - Mac"
      icon: mdi:lan

  - platform: version
    name: "${friendly} - Version"
    hide_timestamp: true

  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: "${friendly} - wifi Signal"
    update_interval: 5min

  - platform: uptime
    name: "${friendly} - Uptime"
    update_interval: 5min

Tried it again with ESPhome 2023.12.5. There are Wifi issues.
Stupid as I am. The HA Backups goes every day with a keep of 3 days…

Now I lost my backup with ESPhome 2023.12.3 or less.

Does someone have a backup of this ESPhome 2023.12.3 or less and want send me this zip?

Can you install via the command line on a PC or Mac?

If so, when you get to the bit when you install ESPHome:

pip install esphome

install instead a specific version:

pip install esphome==2023.12.0

or whatever version you require.

Once you have done that - create a config directory on your PC, fire up the dashboard pointing to that directory, create a new device with the same name as the one you want to roll back , then copy and paste your yaml into that dashboard and do an OTA or USB install.

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Or you could try removing web_server: - it may solve all your problems.

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Installed now ESPhome 2023.12.0 and build the BIN files now.
Then update all devices and see if my problems are gone again.

Thanks for this idea!!

All devices are downgraded now to 2023.12.0. What a difference.

Wifi connects very fast again. The Wifi module on the device is less warm now.
With 2023.12.5 the steel plate was hot. Now it’s low again.

Wifi signal -72 dBm a -78 dBm now back to -50 dBm a -67 dBm

On reset of modules there are no delay in beginning with the touch to turn on bulbs.
Response time is extreme faster with 2023.12.0

For me, all issues are solved. Have backups of all BIN files for 2023.12.0
So when I’m upgrade ESPhome to a newer version of 2023.12.5 and still have issues I can revert back.

@zoogara thanks for the advice of installing ESPhome on PC/Mac

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There is also the ESPHome Legacy add-on which allows you to run old versions.


Man I wish I heard of that before!! Thanks.

Yes, it has proved to be quite useful for troubleshooting.

It seems that ESPhome 2023.12.6 is ok. Also the “generate unique” errors are gone

Others are reporting that this is still ongoing as of 2023.12.8. ESPHome 2023.12.3 killed my Sonoff Mini devices · Issue #5280 · esphome/issues · GitHub