I’m happy to say that the bme680 and the ADS1115 (which reads all the analog values from the MQ-7, MQ-135 and the illuminance sensor) are working. The MQ-7 and MQ-135 are not yet working due to designing this thing too late. I do need to do more testing though.
And. for some reason I don’t get my PIR sensors (AM312 PIR) working (which should be the simplest of them all ). Even if I now connect them directly to the esp_poe, nothing happens.
The idea is that the PCB will fit inside the 3D printed case. Total size is still less than 10cm on 10cm.
Has anybody an idea on how long these MQ-* sensors live? So, how long are the readings relevant?
Peak you see on the graph is when I blew on the sensor shortly after smoking. Binary sensor didn’t catch that as it is calibrated to turn on on higher gas percentage.
I didn’t do any calibration. I am using MQ-2 sensor.
I am just monitoring how it behaves and additionally use potentiometer on sensor to set level of binary sensor.
Knowing that adc component works in 0-1V range I am converting it to percents in my sensor reading.
Will see how it goes
I need to change my setup because I suspected something is off. adc is suppose to work in 0-1V range and MQ-2 reports gas concentration in 0-5V range … So I think I will need to add resistors
Hello all,
I am relatively new to ESPhome and Home Assistant, so I think it is better to ask…
I noticed that the MQ-2 initial resistance change over time or at the startup. So I found this article. https://diyprojects.io/mq2-gas-smoke-detector-arduino/#.YVzBTdpByUk
So how can I make the automatic calibration… something like…
on boot… from 2nd to 5 minute to calculate the mid-value and set that value to a global variable
(I am using NodeMCU)
(i don’t know should I calculate all the curve ppm values, coz it’s good for me to be notified if the analog value increases dramatically from the initial mid-value).