So I have been trying to monitor the temperature of my Wood Fired Oven and have a few issues, maybe this is a sign not to mix old and new but anyway.
The plan is to monitor 5 K-Type Thermocouples I have embedded within the oven. To this end I have an ESP Dev board, 5x Max31855 breakout boards, an i2c display for temp and a DHT22 as why not.
That one measurement looks inverted, idk if that is what happens if you switch + and -. It appears you’re powering all the tc’s through the 8266? That may be too much to pull through the esp. For something like this, where I have multiple daughter boards, I’d power them directly.
Pin 1 is the tx pin and is not suitable as an input high at boot.
I may well have to add some filtering on the tc lines and see what happens.
Interesting point on the power, the design is to be feed from a separate PS via the green terminals but for testing I used USB power, but good point there maybe not enough.
Pin 1 is TX but CS is an output so should be ok if not ideal?
It’s high at boot while the serial interface is initializing, I don’t know if that would effect discovery. have you set the logger to VERY_VERBOSE and looked at the debug, hiccups, errors?
Is anyone here using the MAX31855 having unreasonable values (shifted upwards non-linearly)?
I have a problem after compiling and uploading ESPHome to version 2021.10.2 (previously 1.16.2)