ESPHome sensor over Wi-Fi repeater

I have ESPHome temp sensor (wemos d1 mini), if sensor connect to Wi-Fi everything is ok,dates going to homeassistant.

When I connect sensor over repeater (with same SSID and password) data not going to homeassistant. I see connect sensor in repeater in administration, but data from sensor not going.

Router and Repeater are connect together with LAN cable, both Wi-Fi have same SSID and password

Do both Router and Repeater provide IP addresses? If so, limit IP Addressing to the Router.

Router have IP 192.168.1.x and Repeater have IP 192.168.2.x

You’re not able to see the device as it’s on a different IP segment when connected to the repeater. From what I can tell of your configuration, you’ll need to turn off DHCP services on the repeater. Let your router dish out the IP addresses.

That obviously can’t work as you have a NAT between your two networks and HA can’t individually connect/address devices in your subnet. :stop_sign:

Just configure your WIFI repeater the “correct” way (layer 2 transparent bridge/switching) and everything should work out just fine :signal_strength: