Esphome TFT displays question

Hi community
I am looking into driving a small TFT display with esphome, with size a bit bigger
I was looking into something like this
It says it’s using chip ST7789V
Are these compatible with esphome ?
In the community forums I found few old references that reported issues with this chip, like not being able to utilize full display area
Anyone has insights into this? Or maybe recommendations for different type of display

I also found the following item which seems to be esp32 integrated with display

are these compatible with esphome as well? also, do they have additional GPIO pins to drive few leds/switches in addition to the display ?

Really? ST7789V TFT LCD — ESPHome

For the esp32 combined, search the model number on the forum. Pretty sure it will work.

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thanks for the reply
the combined model mentioned above is 2432S028R
in the forum search i found one metnion of it in

how can I tell though if it can utilise the full display area?

So hopefully someone can point me in the right direction

I have this dislplay

  1. I tried the example mentioned in ESP32 module with touch display

with a demo code in

i managed to install it, and it does display something but the screen is flickering all the times, plus not entire area is covered
see attached video in lin

plus, i actually wanted to use this ESP module as “mini” dashboard
ie. to display status of several alerts types sensors (from HA) with red/green status buttons, utilizing the entire display area if pssoible.

and allow me to press it in the TFT to disable the alert for example in HA

at this point I dont want to connect any external sensors to its GPIO pins, it will just be used for display and response touch

any idea how to configure something like this if possible ?

Yaml? Logs?

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ok , i actually got the demo working with setting explicit the display height / width to be 240/320

  - platform: ili9xxx
    model: ILI9341
    spi_id: lcd
    cs_pin: 15
    dc_pin: 2
      height: 240
      width: 320
      offset_width: 0
      offset_height: 0

the full original yaml is here

so returning to my original question
if i all i want is to display some buttons/icons and maybe some text on this LCD
and use its TFT to toggle some sensors in HA
is this ESP config the approach for this? or should i look elsewhere ?

I noticed that the size wasn’t specified.

You may want to read this Display Component — ESPHome

ok 10x i will look into it

BTW I see in the logs a lot of these

[12:46:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '$'
[12:46:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '{'
[12:46:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '}'
[12:46:16][W][component:237]: Component display took a long time for an operation (117 ms).
[12:46:16][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:46:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '$'
[12:46:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '{'
[12:46:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '}'
[12:46:17][W][component:237]: Component display took a long time for an operation (117 ms).
[12:46:17][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:46:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '$'

the font characters i understand, maybe the demo print is not tuned to the font supplied with it
is it something to worry about the display timing warning