ESPHome Ultrasonic sensor SR04T via UART

@bullar @walberjunior
I’m in same hell as you were earlier.
I had ordered JSN-SR04T but received AJ-SR04M with limited resources of information for setting it up.
My problem is explained in other query. Then found this page and your messages.
First realization was the type of the sensor, then the operational mode (soldered 120kΩ resistor for enabling the “Automatic Serial Mode” as per the link).
Following your instructions, I have succeeded to have some activity on the board of the sensor (blue blinking led) but the “Distance” is returning error (unknown).
Im using a ESP32 Development Board ESP32-WROOM-32U and GPIO12 and GPIO14 are in use.
If observing the log in real time, is not returning any error message as other trials (before soldering resistore, etc)
Any clue?

Did you try change the write byte?

      //write(0x00); // Try this
      write(0x55); // Try this
      //write(0x01); // Try this

Did you try change rx with tx?

Post your codes and photo of the wire connection

Thanks for your response,
I did the reverse of Tx and Rx and immediately I got a quick flashing of the blue led. So It was a good start.

I have tried both 0x00 and 0x55, copied exactly as it is on the above posts. The funny thing was that I had a measurement in both cases although with unexplained lag and freezes. After last test with option 0x01, in your posted example, I cant see anything in the debug log or in ESPHome integration. The blue led still is flashing. In every change I did a complete reboot of the Home aasistant pc and the ESP32 board. Other sensors on the same ESP board, 3x dallas for temperature, are working flawlessly.

Here my config files:

#include "esphome.h"
class AJ_SR04M_Sensor : public PollingComponent, public UARTDevice, public Sensor {

  AJ_SR04M_Sensor(UARTComponent *parent) : PollingComponent(5000), UARTDevice(parent) {}

// AJ_SR04M_Sensor format:
// Trigger: 0x00
// Response: Byte1          Byte2  Byte3  Byte4               Byte5
//           Start Byte=FF  MSB    LSB    Checksum (LSB+MSB)  00

  void update() override {
    char frame[5];
    int pos = 0;

    float value = 0.0;

    while (available()) {

      frame[pos] = read();
      if(pos==5) {
        if ((frame[0] == 0xFF) && (frame[4] == 0x00) && ((frame[1]+frame[2])==frame[3])) {
          value = ((frame[1]<<8) + frame[2]) / 10.0;

and /config/esphome/esp32-sensors.yaml

  name: esp32-sensors
  friendly_name: ESP32-sensors
    - AJ_SR04M_Sensor.h

  id: uart_bus
  tx_pin: GPIO14
  rx_pin: GPIO12
  baud_rate: 9600
  stop_bits: 1
  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino
  - pin: GPIO22
  - platform: dallas
    address: 0xea0722b0dcbabc28
    name: "Boiler 1" 
  - platform: dallas
    address: 0xd30822b0f48ffd28
    name: "Boiler 2"
  - platform: dallas
    address: 0xa90722b0e5ac1328
    name: "Boiler 3"
  - platform: custom
    lambda: |-
      auto my_sensor = new AJ_SR04M_Sensor(id(uart_bus));
      return {my_sensor};
     unit_of_measurement: cm
     accuracy_decimals: 1
     name: "Ullages"
# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

  password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"


Please note that I cant reinstate the readings, even those with lag.

From the link you sent, using the 120k resistor activates the automatic mode. You would need to change the code.

If you want to use the above code, you would need to change the resistor to 47k.

I’m going to solder a 47KΩ at R19 for activating the “Low Power Serial Mode” and reverting with results.

What code should be changed if remaining into “Automatic Serial Mode”?

Edit1.This link is for the specific model that I have in my hands, labeled AJ-SR04M and resistors value is different than JSN-SR04T. I’m highlighting this for the sake of clarity.

Edit2. After the soldering of the 47KΩ at R19 the blue led is flashing every 5-6 seconds
I have try

      write(0x00); not any indication in logs or in esphome
      write(0x55); not any indication in logs or in esphome
      write(0x01); not any indication in logs or in esphome

History2– Home Assistant

The two screen shots are the debug logs and the integration. the theird one is the history of the sensor. As you can see yesterday after soldering the resistor and trying x55 amd x00 was visible some measurements althouth with lag which situation I can reproduce anymore.

If is the same module from the link you should send 0x01

void loop() {

Try write(0x01)

I’m trying various things,
first finding is that your config is different than tuxflo’s,
with yours I’m receiving distance athought with lag (does not matter if it is 47kΩ or 120)

Now recompilling with 01, reverting

Edit1. with 47kΩ, your posted config, with 0x01 is working, updating fast. Accuracy is a question, sometimes 10cm plus , other time ok.
** Edit2. If I’ll unplug the esp32 board from power supply then I have to reinstall/recompile the settings before having readings!!! Alternatively unlpug the Tx or Rx pin (very weird) **

See screenshot, 1)anything to improve it? 2) how to add a sensor with the quantity and %

Any help on the reset issue?

  tx_pin: GPIO14
  rx_pin: GPIO12

Change the pins, the pins you chose interfere with the boot.

I have changed to

  id: uart_bus
  tx_pin: GPIO19
  rx_pin: GPIO18
  baud_rate: 9600
  stop_bits: 1

but still having same behavior. I’m going to try more couples of pins from the recommended list.

Other thing tried was separate power supply for sensor, it didn’t work.

Edit2. Same with 16,17!!!

Edit3. As I have a second identical sensor but only a 8266 spare board, Could anybody advise me how to setup that board for further testing?

    type: arduino

is not working with that board, so I cant perform a comparison test

I use this pins:

  id: uart_bus
  tx_pin: GPIO17 # echo/RX do SR04M 
  rx_pin: GPIO18 #trigger/TX do SR04M 
  baud_rate: 9600
  stop_bits: 1
  rx_buffer_size: 4

Change the board:

  board: d1_mini

I have spent this afternoon doing trials:

  1. no any chance to test the esp8266 board, the board type or the framework is not passing the validation, therefore no time or knowledge from my side for this anymore.

  2. I went to the basement and removed one ESP32-cam for testing . I used the second sensor with this board and it was working flawlessly ! responding immediately after reboot, used pins

  tx_pin: GPIO3
  rx_pin: GPIO1

This made me suspicious for the pins of the initial board.

  1. I have tried any combination of pins ESP32-WROOM-32U but the results were the same. No responding after a reboot unless remove the pin tx or rx of the sensor.

  2. I have removed the dallas sensors from the ESP32-WROOM-32U but no change, issues after reboot is there.

  3. I have removed everything related to dallas sensors from config. I have recompiled it, its working immediately after it (as usual) but not after reboot. WTF is the matter with this board?

No idea what else to try!

You need to change pins to 8266.

Maybe your esp32 is faulty or the first sensor.
To be sure you would have to use the first sensor on the ESP32-cam and vice versa.

Thanks for your patience!
I have exchange the sensors to the boards. Reboot issue only with ESP32-WROOM-32U.
The issue occuring with the particular board and I have no idea what could be!

The only reason that Im insisting with that board is the external antena that could be used with it due to the poor wifi coverage at the place of installation

Edit1. I got by express courier and on high price a D1 mini, delivered while ago, I did the same setup as ESP32-cam, in selected GPIO, in connections, in config file etc still have same results.

  • D1 min (as ESP32-WROOM-32U) when rebooting is not communicating with sensor unless remove the tx or Rx pin as kick start.

  • ESP32-cam is NOT working fine (anymore) after reboot!!! Not any more!

I’m giving up on this project!

Which pins did you use?
Look at the link below, there is a table with the pins and a note with possible problems.

If you tested with pins 1 and 3, change to whatever has OK on the input and output and nothing on the note.

I did it again, no difference. It should be disconnect/reconect the tx or rx pin before resuming measurements. Its a mystery for me!
Other observation is the need for common source of power/grounding for a responsive sensor (before reboot).

Edit: finally I did it with UART method, see here for my case

I received the same sensor (AJ-SR04M) and I can’t get it to work. It shows no distance readings. I have been following this thread but to no avail. Can someone enlighten me where to put the AJ_SR04M_Sensor.h file. I was hoping to use it withou any resistor (to work just like the HC-SR04). Are there any changes to the code?

Hello - I found this post interesting - I’m starting to connect AJ-SR04M to my HA via esphome board : esp32 or wemos D1 mini

Have You considered voltages ?

I assume that You get 5v for AJ-SR04M from the board (esp32 or D1mini) but as far as I know TX/RX pins on these boards are working with 3.3v.
So If You connect TX/RX from SR04M You get 5v signal … and connecting it to 3.3v pins can cause damage or malfunction.
There is an instruction how to connect and there is a film presenting it is working but this example is based on Arduino UNO - there are 5v pin !
film - arduino UNO working with AJ-SR04M

So … did You noticed this “voltage question” ?

Hello everyone,
I am trying to reproduce this configuration on my Home Assistant via ESPHOME.
However, I have errors, and I’m more than new to Arduino.

My setup is a “Wemos D1 mini” with “JSN-SR04T” (AJ-SR04M) and 47KΩ residence on R19

In /homeassistant/esphome/
Here is my file AJ_SR04M_Sensor.h

#include "esphome.h"
class AJ_SR04M_Sensor : public PollingComponent, public UARTDevice, public Sensor {

  AJ_SR04M_Sensor(UARTComponent *parent) : PollingComponent(5000), UARTDevice(parent) {}

// AJ_SR04M_Sensor format:
// Trigger: 0x00
// Response: Byte1          Byte2  Byte3  Byte4               Byte5
//           Start Byte=FF  MSB    LSB    Checksum (LSB+MSB)  00

  void update() override {
    char frame[5];
    int pos = 0;

    float value = 0.0;

    while (available()) {

      frame[pos] = read();
      if(pos==5) {
        if ((frame[0] == 0xFF) && (frame[4] == 0x00) && ((frame[1]+frame[2])==frame[3])) {
          value = ((frame[1]<<8) + frame[2]) / 10.0;

and my esp-cuve.yaml file

  name: esp-cuve
  friendly_name: esp-cuve
    - AJ_SR04M_Sensor.h

  id: uart_bus
  tx_pin: D1
  rx_pin: D2
  baud_rate: 9600
  stop_bits: 1
  rx_buffer_size: 4

  board: d1_mini

# Enable logging
  baud_rate: 0

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password


  port: 80

# Time:
  - platform: homeassistant
    timezone: "Europe/Paris"
    id: homeassistant_time

# Status Binary Sensor:
  - platform: status
    name: "Status"

# Restart Button:
  - platform: restart
    name: "Restart"


  - platform: custom
    lambda: |-
      auto my_sensor = new AJ_SR04M_Sensor(id(uart_bus));
      return {my_sensor};
     unit_of_measurement: cm
     accuracy_decimals: 1
     name: "Distance"

No error on compilation but here are the logs

[20:21:22][D][uart_debug:114]: >>> 01
[20:21:27][D][uart_debug:114]: >>> 01
[20:21:32][D][uart_debug:114]: >>> 01
[20:21:37][D][uart_debug:114]: >>> 01
[20:21:42][D][uart_debug:114]: >>> 01

Do you have any idea where the problem could come from?
Thank you again for your help

Just curious, did you get it working? I’m in the same situation.