Esphomelib - A comprehensive solution for using ESPs with Home Assistant

no problem. i just need to trouble shoot a bit. suddenly my nodemcu wont connect to wifi anymore. i think it’s because i’ m using the bleeding edge version, because the normal version kept crashing during compiling. gonna try uninstall and reinstall the other version again.

i’m thinking there might be a problem with the latest version of esphomelib in combination with latest arduino version etc…

edit: yup ardunio v2.4.0 is working

I tried “Living room dehumidifer” GPIO switch example as test on ESP8266, it worked OK. But after removal from configuration and ESP reflashing it is still on my homeassistant page (doesn’t work anymore as it isnt in ESP firmware). How can I remove it? I don’t see it in any configuration.

What I did for mine, was to stop mosquitto service and then deleted the “mosquitto database”. After all that is done, start the service again and you will have a new database for mosquitto.

  name: plant_1
  platform: ESP8266
  board: nodemcuv2
  arduino_version: 2.4.1

  ssid: 'xxxxxxxx'
  password: 'xxxxxxxx'

  broker: 'xxxxxxxx'
  username: 'xxxxxxxx'
  password: 'xxxxxxxx'




  - platform: gpio
    pin: D1
    name: "Plant 1 Water Pump"
    id: waterpump

  - platform: gpio
    pin: D2
    name: "Plant 1 Overflow Pump"
    id: overflowpump

  - platform: template
    name: "Plant 1 Water Me"
    id: waterme
    optimistic: true
      - switch.turn_on:
          id: waterpump
      - delay: 10s
      - switch.turn_off:
          id: waterpump
      - switch.turn_off:
          id: waterme
      - delay: 0.1s


  - platform: gpio
      number: D3
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True
    name: "Plant 1 Water Overflow"
        - switch.turn_off:
            id: waterpump
        - switch.turn_on:
            id: overflowpump
        - delay: 30s
        - switch.turn_off:
            id: overflowpump
        - delay: 10s
        - switch.turn_off:
            id: overflowpump
  1. to water the plant i just turn on switch.plant_1_water_me, this will water the plant for 10s, however if the overflow sensor is triggered it stops watering the plant.
  2. if the over flow sensor turns on then the overflow pump will start going for max of 30s
  3. if the over flow sensor turns off then the overflow pump will turn off after 10s
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I’ve hacked a LED candle, and placed a Wemos d1 mini inside, with a relay.
I’ running a simple code for the relay, and it’s all showing up in Home assistant and working. The problem is that the relay only reacts in a fraction of the times I trigger it in Home Assistant. It’s as it’s not listening. I go to /dev-service and run the “switch.toggle” for my “entity_id”: “switch.candlelight”. Every few seconds i click, but many times nothing happens. What can I do? I have automations to turn off the lights, but now I can’t trust it will shut off.


I am testing Esphomelib (migration from ESPeasy).
I have a nodeMCU board with SI7021 sensor on it. Based on what I can see online (here for instance), this sensor is the same as the HTU21D. However the logs complain that the sensor is not working and the value returned are wrong. I use the following configuration:

  • platform: htu21d
    name: “Temperature”
    name: “Humidity”
    update_interval: 15s

I know the sensor is fine since it works with ESPeasy. Any idea of what I should use as parameters for my SI7021 sensors in esphomelib ?

Thanks for your help…

Does anyone know what the default mqtt topic is ? And how to change it? Thanks.

Is there a specific reason you need this? I just turned on discovery for MQTT and it works fine without setting anything up specific.

In case anyone has the same problem, @OttoWinter fixed my problem (thanks for this super fast response). The fix is currently on a branch in github and you can use the branch using the following paramters in your config file:

branch: si7021-fix

I guess this is only a temporary branch created for testing the fix and might be moved to another branch at a later date so might not be wise to use this branch on the long term but I wanted to report the information here in case anyone else has this problem…

Hi, apologize in advance for the stupid question but…how to update esphomelib to latest version and howto check the version I am running?

In under add-ons you can click update.


Is there a board that works with esphomelib that has Ethernet network connection and POE support?

Thinking of putting a chip up in the attic and have it wired to multiple door magnetic reed sensors and thermometers and pir sensors.

How about just using an ESP8266 / NodeMCU and one of these…?

I’ve seen those, you can get much cheaper Chinese DIY versions, however I like the idea of Ethernet network connection as well rather than WiFi.

I am on hassbian so I guess I should do something on command line

Maybe this ?

or this ?

Haven’t used either. NB The Olimex one is not galvanically isolated.

that Olimex one would be good for the price. Once the initial programming is done via USB the rest could be OTA updates so the galvanic isolation wouldn’t be an issue

Can anyone help explain how to upgrade Esphomelib from CLI on Hassbian?

hi, i flash the bin to my sonoff basic with espeasy flasher because the addon wont recognize the usb, even after restart, after flashing complete, restart home assistant and plug the sonoff and nothing happens, what i missing, mqtt discovery true too, this is the yaml

  name: sonoffs3
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m
  board_flash_mode: dout

  ssid: 'xx'
  password: 'xx'

  broker: 'core-mosquitto'
  username: 'xx'
  password: 'xx'

# Enable logging


  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO0
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True
    name: "Sonoff s3 Button"
  - platform: status
    name: "Sonoff s3 Status"

  - platform: gpio
    name: "Sonoff s3 Relay"
    pin: GPIO12

  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    id: basic_green_led
      number: GPIO13
      inverted: True

  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "Sonoff s3 Green LED"
    output: basic_green_led