Eufy Camera Integration

The integration is currently broken on version 2020.12 of HASS. No eta on fix.

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bugger… oh well… it works in Hass.IO only?

No, it works on all versions of HomeAssistant (usually) as it’s a custom component. However, something changed with the latest release and there’s no fix.

ok so I’d have to downgrade home assistant? can that be done? if so what build?

Put in a PR for a fix that appeared to work for me.


I had the same problem but I found fast solution.
Please remove from parameter loop=hass.loop in line 46 and 47

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Agreed. The fix is to edit config/custom_components/eufy_security/, replacing lines 46 & 47 with

        self._ffmpeg_image_frame = ImageFrame(self._ffmpeg.binary)
        self._ffmpeg_stream = CameraMjpeg(self._ffmpeg.binary)

The loop argument that throws the error was removed in this commit


I noted today that iobroker seems to have support for many of the parameters and features we have all been asking for (Motion detected, Person detected, Change guard mode, Ringing Doorbell). I also understand that iobroker can connect to home assistant (ioBroker.hass). As I am relatively new to coding however I am wondering how easy it would be to port to code to home assistant rather than bridging Home Assistant to Eufy via iobroker.

The ioBroker project I am referring to is here…


I have no programming knowledge but would love to test this if someone needs a beta tester

+1 I can help with testing

I can confirm it works - thanks for sharing!

I am playing with the ioBroker adapter. Parts of it seem to work well but I’m struggling a bit with how ioBroker works in general. I’ll try to document my findings.


Also confirm this works for 2020.12.0. Should note that if you do this BEFORE the upgrade from 0.118.x and reboot, your cams will become unavailable, but don’t worry - everything comes back as soon as you upgrade to 2020.12.0. I just mention this in passing as some folks may do the OS update first and then reboot for the HA upgrade and be concerned if their cams are missing in between.

Thank you for the fix. I also can confirm this works and I’m now seeing a still image versus a broken image. I still haven’t figured out how to play the stream when I click on the image, but I need to do some more reading up above in this thread.

I’m using the prescribed HA release, made the changes to, restarted HA (containerized) and I still have no entities showing in the integration… I even changed from my guest eufy login back to my primary with no changes and no entities in the integration…

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Did you restart? I was having the same issues… started pulling my hair out. Made the changes that @MizterB recommended and everything is back up and running again.

I rebuilt my entire HA LOL

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Any update on iobroker.eufy-security? I’m not even sure how to install it, since i’m running HassOS.

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You can’t. It would require a separate device running linux at this point.


I’ve been having the same log messages and issues with the Eufy integration. To workaround it I use TinyCam Pro, add my Eufy cam to TinyCam, start the TinyCam server and in my config yaml file add something like:



  - platform: mjpeg

    name: Back yard

    mjpeg_url: http://TINYCAM_IP:8083/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?cameraId=CAM_ID&user=admin&pwd=PASSWORD

  - platform: mjpeg

And it works great! You can follow this tutorial (its for Wyze cams but works for Eufy cams) Wyze Cam Integration With Home Assistant Without Flashing

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