Thank you all for starting this thread and leading me to my final result. I wanted to update this original thread with the steps that I took to get this working after 3-4 days trying to figure out how to get my Zmodo cameras to display in HA. Over the past few days I had tried all the different camera integrations available for HA, but none would display my Zmodo cameras. I also tried setting up MotionEye on my mobile and then adding the integration, but despite what I had read, the MotionEye app does not seem to work as well as the TinyCam Pro app that I have been running on my Android phone for many years. Maybe just because I was used to TinyCam.
I more or less followed the above instructions, but found that I could not get the Camera ID or http link required using the above instructions (jump to step 7 below if that is the step you are stuck on). To set-up my video camera stream up, I had to do the following:
Have a working instance of TinyCam Pro on my Android phone (I will now investigate if I can side load that app on to something that can remain at home and running the server away from my Mobile resources).
In the TinyCam app on my phone, top left menu and scroll down to the Webserver switch. Enable this and take note of the local IP address generated ( in my case which is my Phones IP address on my home network. Ensure to add your cameras to the server streaming list.
If you do not already have DDNS enabled on your home router, set up with an account, I use but others will work.
On my Router set up a static IP address for my mobile phone - in my case.
Set up port forwarding of incoming requests on 8083 and directed to my mobile phone IP ( in my case).
Test that you can now access the TinyCam server on both your local network and outside of your network (mobile data connection) using your DDNS account.
To get the http address of the camera that you want to view in HA I logged into the ADMIN page in the TinyCam Server on my PC ( http://[LOCAL IP:8083] ):
Then scroll down to select the WEB SERVER LOGS:
The logs will have the cameras that you are streaming on the TinyCam Server, I found the one that I wanted to display inside HA (Garage Cam in my case) and copied the Camera ID (Below details changed for my privacy).
2022-01-18 18:13:37 [] GET /api/v1/get_cam_event_list?token=a3fab27fc1aa6be0f8888bfeb45236aa1a76af18&[u]cameraId=702368957[/u]&endtime=-1&count=15&type=local&filter=
Then I built the following http:// access line which I then pasted in to HA Picture Glance Card:
http://[MY DDNS DETAILS]:8083/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?cameraId=702368957&user=[myusername]&pwd=[mypassword]
- I used the .yaml code in my “webcam.yaml” file that I saved in my separated HA filing system, otherwise put it in to your main configuration.yaml using your file editor:
- platform: mjpeg
name: Garage Camera
mjpeg_url: http://[MY DDNS DETAILS]:8083/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?cameraId=702368957&user=[myusername]&pwd=[mypassword]
The above yaml file gives a camera_entity after checking configuration and restarting HA;
In my Lovelace dashboard page where I want the Video monitor, I added a Picture Glance Card and added the new camera entity ‘camera.garage_camera’
That’s it, with the server running on my Android phone I get the video feed in to my HA.
As mentioned above it really would be great if someone could build a TinyCam HA integration so that the server is running on HA platform, as I have found TinyCam is able to handle many, many camera types and feeds very easily and that would avoid having to have an Android phone running 24/7 with the TinyCam server running in the background.
I hope that My update above helps others, who like me were unable to add their camera to HA using the many other methods and Integrations.
I hope it helps someone to spend less time trying to get a NON standard camera feed in to HA 
EDIT: After rebooting my TinyCam server I lost the feed, until i changed the http access to use the user&pwd. I have updated my above steps to reflect this.