Eufy Camera Integration

Thanks to all of you who have written up their findings here with ioBroker. Much appreciated. Hoping to try this out also!

Hi @MaxW thank you for your findings. Could you please tell me how did you manage to run ioBroker in a docker container? There are no guides for it available.


Have it running on my Synology w/ docker 18.03 (If i remember correctly).

I just used this image:

Worked out of the box for me.

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Here’s my docker compose:

    image: buanet/iobroker:latest
    container_name: iobroker
      - "8081:8081"
      - ./iobroker:/opt/iobroker
      - LANGUAGE="en_US:en"
    restart: always
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I haven’t worked much with MQTT so can somebody point me in the right direction?

  • iobroker installed with eufy adapter and I can see everything obout my cameras in iobroker
  • MQTT setup in iobroker with homeassistant/ as topic
  • mosquito broker installed in homeassistant and running - log shows connection to iobroker
  • added sensors to my homeassistant configuration but changed state_topic to what I found in MQTT.fx

But no sensors are updated in HA. Can I debug somehow?

Did you restart the mqtt instance after setting everything up?
Did you check the mentioned checkboxes from me above?
Did you install the mqtt integration in Home Assistant?

If you can see the messages getting populated at mqtt.fx it should work at Home Assistant too.

thanks @fuzzymistborn and @MaxW

how did you guys add the eufy integration after running iobroker on docker ?

Did restart everything 10+ times
Checkboxes are equal
In HA I installed Mosquitto broker and afterwards under Integrations enabled MQTT.

So what I see in MQTT.fx is what HA get of information?

Think I need a more detailed instruction especially in the HA part :wink:

Edit: now it works dont know why :grin:

Under Adaptors click the Icon Install from custom URL.

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Got the same problem as you.

Using the iobroker interface, I can change the guard mode and it works.

Using mqtt, the command is received as I can see it in iobroker interface, but somehow it’s not executed. With the command line tool from the container, using iobroker state set eufy-security.0.T8010N2320120910.station.guard_mode 0 true the result is the same, it gets changed in the interface, but nothing is executed :frowning_face:

Maybe there is another command to send ? I’m absolutely new to iobroker and almost all the info I can get is in german sadly.

@Mjhansen, from where do you execute your JS commands ? Do they work ?

As a german guy (:beer:) i can confirm there is not much additional information hidden in the issue section.

I created a new one Guard Mode can only be changed from Objects view (not via cli, mqtt...) · Issue #35 · bropat/ioBroker.eusec · GitHub and used your cli command as example.

I have iobroker up and running and installed the adapter from
I won’t connect to the eufy cloud without entering a (one time) security code. The eufy cloud has the same odd behavior (every time a one time security code). I don’t see any options in eufy cloud to disable this feature.

A new guest account with no 2fa solved this

@Boomchil, I am using the build in script editor in iobroker. and setstate do work both with standard home/away and and custom modes. See sample below

Oh, digging through the sources i stumpled across this:

So the cli command must end with false to work!

root@iobroker:/opt/iobroker# iobroker state set eufy-security.0.T8010NXXXXXXX.station.guard_mode 0 false                               
The state "eufy-security.0.T8010NXXXXXXX.station.guard_mode" was set to "0" with flag ack=false

Is guess this is the same thing with the mqtt stuff. Will investigate further :smiley:

Okay, after some really bumpy ride on the MQTT train I decided to jump off. I ran across some huge mysterious loops, not working commands confusion to the max, and the bummer that it seems impossible to flush a whole Mosquitto queue that runs on

Goodbye MQTT, hello REST :wave:

I installed and created some RESTful sensors and switches:


Indeed MQTT is instant, and REST takes the scan_interval (default to 60s), but i think i am cool with that. Testing at scan_interval set to 10s is totally fine for me.

Had some strange occurrences at the guard_mode sensor, sometimes i saw 1 as a string, sometimes as an integer. No idea what happened here.

  - platform: rest
    name: station_guard_mode_restful_v3
    resource: "http://ioBroker:somePort/getPlainValue/eufy-security.0.T8010XXXXXXX.station.guard_mode"
    scan_interval: 10
    value_template: >-
      {% set v = value | replace('"', "")|int  %}
      {{ {0: "Away",
          1: "Home",
          2: "Schedule",
          3: "Custom1",
          4: "Custom2",
          5: "Custom3",
          47: "Geofence",
          63: "Disarmed"}[v] | default("Unknown state:" + (value|urlencode)) }}
    url: "http://ioBroker:somePort/set/eufy-security.0.T8010XXXXXXX.station.guard_mode?value=0&ack=false"
    url: "http://ioBroker:somePort/set/eufy-security.0.T8010XXXXXXX.station.guard_mode?value=1&ack=false"
    url: "http://ioBroker:somePort/set/eufy-security.0.T8010XXXXXXX.station.guard_mode?value=2&ack=false"
    url: "http://ioBroker:somePort/set/eufy-security.0.T8010XXXXXXX.station.guard_mode?value=3&ack=false"
    url: "http://ioBroker:somePort/set/eufy-security.0.T8010XXXXXXX.station.guard_mode?value=4&ack=false"
    url: "http://ioBroker:somePort/set/eufy-security.0.T8010XXXXXXX.station.guard_mode?value=5&ack=false"
    url: "http://ioBroker:somePort/set/eufy-security.0.T8010XXXXXXX.station.guard_mode?value=47&ack=false"
    url: "http://ioBroker:somePort/set/eufy-security.0.T8010XXXXXXX.station.guard_mode?value=63&ack=false"

After I made the code changes and restarted HA, I was able to get a live view from my dashboard. I clicked the image, and after waiting about 30s looking at the eufy animated logo, I got a live view!

the iobroker integration is good and I can see the sensors via mqtt that I set up in HA for my wired eufy doorbell. However, iobroker doesnt support live streaming which I was really keen on getting. Has anyone able to get live streamining with iobroker?

Thank you very much !

I have been able to change the state with MQTT (had to check the “Use different topic names for set and get” option), but it didn’t work every time.

With the Rest command everything work well ! Now just to wait for a real HA integration :slight_smile:

Yeah, using Use different topic names for set and get is pretty important. Without it I got some message loops. Combined with retained messages it confuses the hell out of the integration :smiley:

I think I will clean everything up, create sensors for all the information I really need, and wait that someone creates some integration for HA. I think I am not able to do it myself…

@MaxW do you get live streaming from iobroker?