Eufy Camera Integration

I use in a script to reload the Lovelace interface after a short delay whenever I turn to camera on.

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I tried the AddOn way, but got stuck at some point.

Had some huge graphic issues and the mounting gave me a headache.
The graphic stuff could be resolved by using a real nginx reverse proxy instead just pointing the ingress towards iobroker i guess, but the mounting was bad.
Afaik there is no option to either set the default iorbroker path away from /opt/iobroker/ nor change the mounting point at hassio side. Therefore configs would not be persistent through updates or anything else, which was a bummer and not really production like.

Starting ioBroker through portainer should work I guess.

isn’t @fuzzymistborn the brain behind the python communication part?

Not really. I mostly created the repo because nobody else had and I wanted to try to learn reverse engineering an API. But it quickly grew beyond my meager skills (P2P stuff, mqtt, etc) so I left it up after some other folks (bachya and nosleepr) did some awesome work to improve it.


Came to this thought because of GitHub - ioBroker/ioBroker.ham: Supports homebridge plugins in ioBroker where you can use all homebridge plugins as iobroker adapters. Such wrapper to be able to use all iobroker adapters within ha would be the cherry on the cake. :wink:

Did anyone manage to get changes using mqtt… Im trying to get ringing property but if I press the doorbell it doesn’t change

is it showing some change at the iobroker object view?

I don’t think so



Under iobroker there is a polling interval (min), - “Every x minutes the data is queried again from the Eufy Cloud”, this means that this will pull data every x minutes, so Im not sure if this is useful for ringing, unless we are able to set seconds instead of minutes

  • I often get the Unknown state (raw -{{value}}-) state of the rest sensor, anybody fixed that?

Happens to me too: image
I guess this is caused by some jinja2 comparisment logic that I did not understand in total by now. Sometimes the state seems to be a string, sometimes a number. therefore the two cases. Sometimes I feel it is a string containing quotes ". Will have a look at that.

The switch only works one-way, can’t set it to Home

There was a release today of v. 0.1.1 that fixed something that sounds like this. You tried the newest version?

You got it inside HA?
I hope the doorbell ring works cause i 've seen many people here saying it doesnt work
Curious about the iobroker inside HA though

Yeah, it is a little bit dirty as the data mountpoint can’t be changed and the data of iobroker should be persistent.
@ frenck confirmed there is no way currently to change this.

I will clean it up and provide it for testing :v:

I found part of my problem with the current state.

Pls try this new version:

Using rest

  - platform: rest
    name: station_guard_mode_restful_v3
    resource: "http://X.X.X.X:8089/getPlainValue/eufy-security.0.T8010XXXXXXX.station.guard_mode"
    scan_interval: 10
    value_template: >-
      {% set v = value | replace('"', "")|int  %}
      {{ {0: "Away",
          1: "Home",
          2: "Schedule",
          3: "Custom1",
          4: "Custom2",
          5: "Custom3",
          47: "Geofence",
          63: "Disarmed"}[v] | default("Unknown state:" + (value|urlencode)) }}

Using MQTT with state objects

  - platform: mqtt
    name: station_guard_mode
    state_topic: "iob/eufy-security/0/T8010XXXXXXX/station/guard_mode"
    value_template: >-
      {% set v = value_json.val | replace('"', "")|int  %}
      {{ {0: "Away",
          1: "Home",
          2: "Schedule",
          3: "Custom1",
          4: "Custom2",
          5: "Custom3",
          47: "Geofence",
          63: "Disarmed"}[v] | default("Unknown state:" + (value|urlencode)) }}

Note: Replace value_json.val with value when not using state objects at mqtt

@fuzzymistborn might update this in your (btw Awesome!) blogpost?

I gave it a try and wasn’t able to create the new container. I am unfamiliar with Portainer and it failed creating the docker.

Done, thanks!

Wait for the howto from @MaxW ?
As you can see on his screen, he succeeded in it

@fuzzymistborn ,

Awaiting further instructions.

i am trying to wrap everything up and push it into some public available repository. Stay tuned!


Home Assistant Add-On ioBroker (:rotating_light: Experimental :rotating_light:)

I wrapped my local test up and pushed it to a Add-on repository :partying_face:

:warning: This is all private playground, I can’t guarantee nothing! :warning:


Head towards Supervisor and press the three little dots in the right upper corner. Choose *Repositories and add
(Maybe hit the three dots again and press reload)

Now you should see this:

It should work straight out of the box. Read the provided readme carefully and have a small test :smiley: