Eufy Camera Integration

For me it is as the first day. What worked works, what was not working, is still now working. But all this with a one click HACS installation and without iobroker, mqtt bridge, etc. etc.

Of did I miss now in all the information the one-click-HACS installation for another (better) option? Then sorry for my (in this case stupid) remarks and questions.

I understand the simplicity argument but the functionality just isn’t there to make it worth it. All you get really is an image. Better off installing the mqtt-bridge (which from what i understand is pretty easy) and you’ll get the same functionality and some more things.

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Hm, did not get this. With the old way I have last-image and was/and am able to switch on stream and show the stream.

I double-checked the mqtt-bridge page and only find last-image but no stream capabilities. Am I looking wrong?

Maybe it’s not implemented yet, but the library it is (or will be using) does support that. And from my experience I never got the stream toggle to work all that well with the HASS addon.

I think the most important thing is that the underlying library for the addon is essentially deprecated. That and the addon itself isn’t seeing major development. So I think it’s hard to recommend something that isn’t going to be actively developed (see the same issues that Zwave went through over OZW v. ZwaveJS).

Not sure if you’ve got it to work since, but you’ll need to add "http://<IOBROKER_IP>:8082" to the start of your “/eufy-security.0/REDACTED/live/REDACTED.m3u8” string that you get from your livestream URL. Something like So if you go to the URL in your browser, it should download a m3u8 file, in which you know it works.

paste the above url into your stream_source in your camera configuration, and it should work.

A final thing to check, is in home assistant configuration yaml, make sure you have stream: (no need to configure anything within it, just that line will do).

Hi @dezmui thanks for that, I already had it formatted like that :slight_smile: @bropat tweaked the iobroker adapter and got the stream working - it seems the doorbell was different to the other eufy cameras. I think @bropat is still working on this though as the stream cuts off after a few minutes and cannot be restarted unless you restart the whole iobroker adapter.

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@bropat, I am using ioBroker’s MQTT client to connect to my MQTT broker. I set up the subscribe pattern to eufy* to include on the Eufy topics. I can see all of the ioBroker Eufy objects being published. However, the one thing I cannot figure out is how to start/stop the livestream via MQTT - both button topics just always show as ‘true’. Do you have any guidance on how to activate the button behavior over MQTT?

@dezmui are you sure that link is correct? I am having trouble accessing with that link. can you help please?

I suppose the REDACTED is my camera’s serial number?

Same over here,
The motion, pet, sound sensor is always off in the ioBroker and MQTT.

I have a doorbell and the pressed state is correctly update though.

Any information about?

Hi @conorlap can you please post your config for the live stream? I am failing to get the live stream working mate.

The link only works if you start the stream. If you go into iobroker and press the start button to manually start the stream, the livestream URL should pop up in the livestream field. Your logs show “No Stream”, that’s a custom message from your value template that you’ve configured, meaning the livestream URL wasn’t retrieved

Right ok I see what you saying. How about the redacted ? Is that the camera’s serial number?

Yes. If you copy last_livestream_pic_url from iobroker, you’ll get something similar but with a different file extension and last_live instead of live

Well I get “not found” if I was to paste that in a browser.

[eufy-security] File "/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files/eufy-security.0/REDACTED/live/REDACTED.m3u8" not found.

Well it wouldn’t work if you only add /eufy-security.0/REDACTED/live/REDACTED.m3u8, it needs to have http://<IOBROKER_ADDRESS>:8082 in front of it

Apologies I have put http://<IOBROKER_ADDRESS>:8082 in front of it and that’s the result I.e.
[eufy-security] File "/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files/eufy-security.0/REDACTED/live/REDACTED.m3u8" not found.

EDIT: it says the following: File iobroker/iobroker-data/files/eufy-security.0/REDACTED/live/REDACTED.m3u8 not found: Not exists

Ah right! Sorry.

Yep I get the exact same error if my stream hasn’t started:

[eufy-security] File "/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files/eufy-security.0/REDACTED/live/REDACTED.m3u8" not found.

If you click the bell button (this will be equivalent to calling the REST command "http://<IOBROKER_ADDRESS>:8087/toggle/eufy-security.0.REDACTED.cameras.REDACTED.start_stream"), try visting the livestream url again, it should appear.

Also note, the rest command port should be 8087, whereas the livestream url port should be 8082 (or whatever port you set for the web server and rest API). Although from your previous replies you’ve probably got this right. EDIT: the fact you’re getting the error message is a good sign you’re hitting the iobroker at least.

I hit the bell icon but I get the same error I.e. not exists in the livestream url. Instead I get an error in iobroker error log which is this:

2021-02-24 04:40:08.330 - error: eufy-security.0 (28395) uncaught exception: Cannot read property 'pipe' of null
2021-02-24 04:40:08.332 - error: eufy-security.0 (28395) TypeError: Cannot read property 'pipe' of null

I have got no idea what or where things are going wrong for me.

PS. My camera in this case is my eufy wired doorbell.

Maybe there’s still issues with the doorbell implementation. You’ll have to wait for updates: Eufy Camera Integration

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On a different note under my iobroker eufy integration I am using my “family and guests” account. Is that something that you are using?

Because if I was to use my main account I get disconnected and logged out from the eufy app on my android as well as on my it’s device and then I get issues logging back in. I think eufy only allows a maximum of 2 devices with the same account to be logged in at any time.

PS. I have the 2 factor authentication turned off as it gave me lots of problems.