Eufy Camera Integration

Do you have to manual update in iobroker? Not showing there’s an update.

I don’t know of any way to do it automatically, unless @bropat does. Always had to do it manually.

By manually do you mean re-adding the GitHub link and installing again? Does this remove previous settings?

I’ve noticed that it doesn’t seem to save my credentials anyway as when I go back into setting for the adapter they don’t show.

Yes I reinstall with the link. It does not override my settings.

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The reason why you always have to update the adapter with the GitHub url is because the adapter has not yet been added to the ioBroker stable branch.

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Is there a reason why I have to keep adding my username and password to the adapter when I open the adapter settings.

No this behavior is not correct.

Can you reproduce the problem with the browser in developer mode (F12) and see if there are JavaScript or network errors? If so, send them to me?

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May I ask why (just out of curiosity)?

Is it some technical restriction or more a ‘no time found’ issue? Maybe someone can help :slight_smile:

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Hie MaxW !

Nice description :star_struck:

Could you add how to install MQTT Broker/Client` Adapter at ioBroker @ the beginning please ?
Is it in portainer ? In the integration ? Adding a Custom Component ?

My Hassio run on RPi4 and this is the step missing for me (it’s the first so it’s a pitty :woozy_face:)

Many thx to your help! :+1:t2:

I am seeing an error in the console:

Screenshot 2021-03-12 at 14.09.01

I wanted to achieve a certain stability of the adapter for the time being before I officially release it, but by now I think it’s already achieved.
I will accomplish it soon, but it is a longer procedure (still have to check and validate some things =>

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Thanks, I’ll take a look at it.

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Any idea why I just get

[eufy-security] File “/data/iobroker/iobroker-data/files/eufy-security.0/basestaionnumber/live/cameranumber.m3u8” not found.

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Okay, so I just spent today reading through this whole thread and I’m still stuck.

I recently bought the T8210 (2K battery powered doorbell) and it works great in the app. I want to be able to see stills (maybe last still taken) on my HA dashboard and when I click that, bring up the live feed.

I get that the stream isn’t 24/7 and I’ll need to set up a script or something to enable the livestream.

I followed the blog posted and set up iobroker via Docker, though on a different machine from Home Assistant (technically same machine, it’s all on unRAID and HA runs on a Debian VM on the same box, but I digress).

Right now I created a picture-glance card that allows me to see the last jpg. That works fine. Live streaming does not, however. I can start and stop livestream via iobroker, but the double click on the card doesn’t seem to do anything.

If I navigate to it tells me “/eufy-security.0/stationserial/live/cameraserial.m3u8” on the page and nothing else.

If I modify that to, then it will prompt to download the m3u8 playlist file. However, opening up that in VLC just tells me it can’t find a proper module and immediately stops playing. So not sure if the problem starts there. Anyone have any ideas?

Also, thanks to all who have contributed to this. I know I’m not there yet, but I’m sure I’m pretty close.

Oh, I’d also like to have doorbell functionality.

This thread is so long, but I do recall someone saying most of my issues can be resolved using iobroker and an MQTT broker and nothing else, however I didn’t see anything on how to set all of that up.

Can you please tell me which version of the following components you have installed:

  • Node.js
  • js-controller
  • iobroker.admin

Can someone please give an indication as to the marginal memory usage running the iobroker set up uses? Im on a PI4 and dont want to slow the overall system down too much. Thanks.

ca. 512 mb you should have for ioBroker with basic adapters

Try version 0.4.1 (the exception was in the legacy code, which has now been removed).

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Node.js version

Not sure where to find this info. I’m assuming the latest version as no updates.

Iobroker Admin

I’ll test 0.4.1 and report back.

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That seems to have fixed the setting not showing for the adapter :+1:t4:

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