Eufy Camera Integration

Is it possible to manage camera mode : home, away, etc ?
It would be nice (if it’s possible) to add it to automations with presence detection.


I believe it’s being worked on. Right now you can enable/disable motion detection.

Thanks for the amazing work so far. Is it possible to automatically download the videos to a destination (say a NAS)? As a user, I’m more interested in auto saving events to somewhere outside the camera so that all is not lost if the camera gets stolen; more than real time streaming via Hass.

Probably not something that can be accomplished. The streams are fairly short lived and I don’t believe there’s any kind of RTSP stream out of the camera. That would have to be added firmware by Eufy.

Do you think you could build a eufy bulb integration

It already exists in Hass.

But it doesn’t work with the T1016 bulbs that I have.

File a bug report then. It’s outside the scope of this project sorry

Does enabling or disabling motion actually work or no? It’s kind of hard to figure out from the thread. I installed via HACS. Eufycam 2 are at v2.5.9. Turning the cam feed on and off works but not motion.

It’s been hit or miss for me. Mostly miss as of late though initially it was all working. I think @nonsleepr has indicated he’s found another way to handle the change but it’s not implemented yet.

The change of the parameters through the REST API unfortunately wouldn’t affect the device. At that point I have an understanding of the way the app communicates with the doorbell to the extend I can (given I have time) implement the feature.

I have a legal concern, though. I checked the Doorbell’s EULA and it states:

You agree not to, and you will not permit others to, … (e) modify, make derivative works of, disassemble, reverse compile or reverse engineer any part of the Product Software (except to the extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction for interoperability purposes, in which case you agree to first contact Eufy and provide Eufy an opportunity to create such changes as are needed for interoperability purposes).

We are clearly working on the interoperability here, were there any communications with Eufy to request the integration or document the API?

AFAIK no. I imagine the same terms are there for the lightbulbs which already were reverse engineered for HASS. Eufy promised IFTTT interation for…well…a long time and never delivered. So I wouldn’t hold my breath on an open API.

I would assume the discussions over the API on the could be considered the contact with Eufy, so we are (probably) legally fine here.

Eek, didn’t consider that… Let’s be careful.

I think we’re OK.

installed the component and works great.

however streaming to google home hub or chromecast doesnt works, does that supposed to work or not??

i have this message
Error requesting stream: camera.doorbell does not support play stream service

turned the camera on using the camera.turn_on and then try to stream it

Nope stream is not supported. The camera can be connected directly via the eufy official integration with Google home so try that

thanks for the reply.

I have tried the official app integration and works well, however it has to be voice triggered and also has a huge delay more than 10 seconds, by the time i see on the screen the person will be gone already.

what i was really hoping to do was automatically stream the video when somebody is at the front door, i have a zwave motion sensor on my entry and works well with my amcrest camera


I am thinking of getting a few camera’s, any guidance would be great for those that already have them. :smiley:

This is excellent work I have some of the original Eufy Cams I will find time to test them shortly. One additional thing that I think might be useful to tie in is the Eufy door / window sensors. If we could integrate these with HASS then they would make useful binary sensors for triggering recordings etc.