Eufy Security Integration

I got a question with the service alarm_arm and so.
If i ad it with the alarm widget to lovelace or use it in automation there is no entity to select
Should there be a “homebase” entity?
Or is it just not impleted yet?
Kind regards, djoene

If you have a home base and latest codebase, you should have one entity for each base. Check screenshot below;

Hi, is it possible to ring a bell on the homebase programmatically without doorbell?

you can trigger an alarm on homebase, but I am not aware of ringing bell on homebase, do you know if it exists?

don’t know, I thought homebase also rings on the doorbell press

eufy WS is at 0.3.3 but doesn’t autoupdate to 0.4
how do you see the entity addon version?

add on is not getting automatic updates, I need to manually bump the version in add-on. I tried it and found some issues and @bropat is working on fixing them, so it is not ready yet for updating. I know you are waiting for RTSP support for your camera, I will get coordinated with him so we can bump the version for add-on.

After my initial testing, I will update add-on and you will see that it will either automatically updated for you (if you had enabled it) or you will be prompted to update.

you can track over here: impossible to start multiple p2p streams · Issue #15 · bropat/eufy-security-ws · GitHub

One last thing: i will stick with same version number of web socket and add on, so it will not create confusion. But i will not get the latest version of web socket immediately without testing.

I don’t have a doorbell, please share your findings if that feature exists, we can implement

Although livestream works (although it often shows a stream from hours before, then buffers, then shows a livestream) I find that none of the sensors work e.g. doorbell motion sensor, person detector and ringing sensor. Is this not supported?

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My config folder is getting flooded by new files in this naming scheme: eufy_security-T8210P002042259E0.ts. The 0 in the end increments, and I now have 554. :grimacing: Is this supposed to happen and why? Each file is around 50kb.

You need to go through readme section of integration

I have the same issue with lots of files being generated and I’ve been through the readme. I cannot see the section that mentions anything about this.

I also cannot get this integration to work with my non RTSP doorbell, using the RTSP server addon (which I assume I should be doing even if my doorbell is not RTSP, as the readme mentions p2p file based will be removed soon).

The RTSP addon just reports:

2021/08/18 14:01:53 I [0/0] [RTSP] [conn] ERR: no one is publishing to path 'eufy_security-T8200N0020080296'
2021/08/18 14:01:53 I [0/0] [RTSP] [conn] closed

I might go back to the MQTT, with that sensors worked, and it semi-reliably showed headshots/recordings of activity.

Edit: @teachingbirds I guess what fuatakgun mysteriously alludes to is the section on p2p streaming…maybe. How one is supposed to infer from the readme that this is the cause of lots of files, without intimate working knowledge of the solution, I’m unsure. I’m going to guess that you have to use Start Live Stream and Stop Live Stream services I guess to prevent lots of files. I’m honestly not sure how one uses this practically with the camera view component in lovelace.

Am I the only one thinking of ditching this doorbell now for the new Amcrest one that supports RTSP out of the box?

If this is an answer for me, I did go through the read me and the subjects of all open and closed issues before writing. Nowhere I can find anything about a crazy amount of files.

You need to install first and second add on and second one will enable RTSP based P2P streaming rather than file based. I want to remove support to file based streaming soon

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Okey, so the files comes from the actual streaming. That’s not really clear in the readme (maybe it needn’t be either, but…). I will install the add-ons I haven’t got already!

I have clearly proposed to debug any camera specific issues if you share it with me but I am on vacation for next 2 weeks.

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Thanks @anon63427907 that is super appreciated. I hope you enjoy your holiday :slight_smile:

I doubt this is a problem with the integration but still want to ask others here - I use HA to switch from geofencing mode to custom 1 (our “Night mode”) at night and then back to geofencing in the morning. But when it switches to geofencing it automatically does “Geofencing in Disarmed Mode” instead of the desired “Home mode” (since we are home).
And now I just saw it actually changed to Geofencing in Home Mode, maybe because I had the app open. Might just be that I have to check to see that the app doesn’t sleep.
But I just want to ask if any of you noticed something like that?

Once i added the integration i was able to see the preview from the integration tab not from dashboard. later now i am getting this error in log and unable to open the live view

Timeout getting stream source

Has anyone faced this issue?

I will be back from vacation next week so we can work on open issues and improvements together.

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