Eufy Security Integration

My phone is not receiving any motion notification since setting this up
with a separate account.
Is there anyway to fix that ?
I have even deleted the email linked to my Home Assistant from the app but still the same

First great work, i have a question i’m running Z-Wave JS to MQTT on port 3000 can i change the port number for eufy?

Yes, you can set the port while adding the add on and configure integration respectively.

I have different accounts for my mobile app and ha integration, so they are not colliding in terms of account. But capturing motion events and sending notifications are camera based, not account based.

So if notifications are coming to HA, it means that eufy is doing its part. Are you sure you are using different accounts?

For me, everything is working fine

Yes im using different accounts for HA
also no notifications are coming through since i set it up with HA
on either my main account or on Phone or HA account

@bropat , do you have any idea on this? (He is the magical developer behind the communication between add on and eufy)

I have motion Notifications working again
i deleted all my cameras from the app and then
the homebase, uninstalled the app and set it up again

Sorry, this had happened to you and happy to hear this is resolved. I will update README file with this instance.

Hi, does the camera service support action record or snapshot?

When I call

service: camera.record
  entity_id: camera.backyard
  filename: /media/test.mp4

I get in log

Recording failed to capture anything
11:20:09 PM – (ERROR) Stream - message first occurred at 10:11:10 PM and shows up 2 times
Error opening stream rtsp://
11:20:09 PM – (ERROR) Stream - message first occurred at 10:11:10 PM and shows up 2 times
method DESCRIBE failed: 404 Stream Not Found
11:20:09 PM – (ERROR) components/stream/ - message first occurred at 10:11:10 PM and shows up 2 times

actually, I don’t need the file, I’d be satisfied if just triggers the record and I can watch the video in official eufy app. Is this possible with this plugin? @anon63427907

You should be able to use these functionalities as long as your camera is streaming. If they are not, you should first start the stream. Rest will be handled by home assistant

you can create an issue on github and we can debug together

Integration is not interested with Geofencing and Schedule modes because they are actually rules for modes, rather than actual modes.

Based on rules defined under these modes, it switches between Away, Home or some other real mode. In integration, we are only interested in Home, Away, Disarmed, Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3.

Let me know this is clear to you.

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I plan to remove file based streaming functionality which generates a lot issues for me :slight_smile:

RTSP Add On is making my life easier with less problems and your life easier with faster streaming. Win - Win

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What I’m trying to achieve is to trigger the camera manually, like motion detection does, and get video recorded on the base station when the camera is not in guard mode, so I can view it later in the Eufy app. Is this possible? Calling record service requires a filename I actually don’t need. Even if I set it for example /tmp/tmp.mp4, I get “Can’t write /tmp/tmp.mp4, no access to the path!”. I’m running out of ideas. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would be grateful.

You need to whitelist the path to write into it.

Source: Camera - Home Assistant

The path part of filename must be an entry in the allowlist_external_dirs in your homeassistant: section of your configuration.yaml file.

One correction: if you record it using home assistant, it will not be visible on eufy app but accessible in home assistant’s file system.

Thanks for the help, I’m getting closer!

Noticed one thing, if I start livestream or rtsp at night, the spotlight turns on (on 2C) although I have in settings set to B&W night vision.

Update: I could be wrong, because I saw a light by another camera with night vision, where IR led can look like a light. I’ll check again tonight.

Update2: Yes through night vision IR light looks like a spotlight on another camera, my mistake!

It is almost impossible to confuse spotlight with IR. Spotlight is bright and white, IR looks like couple of red LEDs.

I’m trying to make an automation to auto stop the streaming after 2 minutes 50 seconds
However, i need the state change then
I cant use the state from idle cause of the % in it, to Streaming - rtsp

How did you guys made this automation (service call?)

This is how it looks now, but is not complete

- id: 'Stopping tuin camera'
  alias: Stop streaming camera tuin
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: camera.tuin
    from: "idle"
    to: "Streaming - rtsp"
      minutes: 2
      seconds: 50
  condition: []
  - data:
      entity_id: camera.tuin
    service: eufy_security.stop_rtsp

I got it working

Recording starts 5-6 sec after triggered, that’s why I had to add 10 + 6 sec delay to get full 10 sec of recording, otherwise I get a shorter video. Can something be done to shorten the delay?

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We have an open thread with @bropat about rtsp streaming, i hope it can work faster.