Eve Aqua Water valve

Hi @Jc2k. I just wanted to share my feedback about your method of connecting EVE devices to HA.

I followed your instructions to pair 2 Eve Degree devices (temperature+humidity sensors) via an Eve Extend. As you mentioned on another thread, setting up the Extend was a royal pain but eventually I got there. I now have the entities on HA and the values “appear” to be ok (the pressure entities are missing but that’s a minor issue).

Problem is: The updates. It can take hours/days to update a single value. And when it does it only updates some of the values. ie, it does not update everything at once (temp, humidity, battery).

At first I thought it was a range issue so I reset everything and confirmed that the Extend can update all the devices on a matter of seconds using the official app.

I tried attaching a debugger and increasing the log level. I can confirm that the Homekit controller update process is running every minute and values are being returned (unfortunately I haven’t been able to debug inside aiohomekit so I don’t know what’s happening after homekit_controller.connection.get_characteristics).

I don’t know what might be wrong. Maybe the Eve Extend isn’t requesting updated values from the sensors and keeps reporting back the last values known. Are there any debug categories I should enable besides theses ones?

  default: info
    homeassistant.components.homekit_controller: debug
    homeassistant.components.homekit: debug

Btw, you also mentioned on another thread that to unpair the Eve Extend from HA we should use homekit_python. But in order to call most of the commands a PAIRINGDATAFILE is required. How can I extract this file from my HA system? It would be interesting to call the Eve Extend directly. At least I would like to experiment with it and call get_accessories and get_characteristic :slight_smile:

Thanks for the good work !