EVSE Keba P30 integration

Hi @dannerph,

I have a question regarding RFID Tag handling. Can you explain little bit more about RFID class. I really not getting how it works. I only want to read the RFID Tag which is currently used for charging.
If I read RFID Class I will get different number for each charging session but the RFID tag used for charging in this case is still the same.

Thanks a lot for your effort

Hi @schmersgahoven
the RFID class is directly coming from the report 1xx and corresponds to the color code of the RFID card (at least for my BMW Wallbox plus). I just checked, there is also the RFID tag within this report according to the manual, I can add it in the next beta release (currently too busy to work on the integration sorry).

@markroly : I have a similar situation but with a home-battery. I’m trying to get it working in a way that I’m not draining my home-battery to charge the car.
I think I can set this up by using the power send back to the grid as a reference (as that is excess and does not go to or come from the home-battery).

EVCC.io seems to be doing what I want it to do, however, as far as I can tell, it is a web-based service. I’d rather have it integrated into Home Assistant. You indicated it could be installed as add-on, but I could not find that. The German is not an problem for me.

@dannerph : Thanks will use that. Do you know how many messages the EV charger can handle. I had it setup to update the power level every second and that seemed be a bit much.


I would like to change the keba.set_current with an helper “input_number.suncharging_current”. Is this possible?

I have been trying different variants like the below, but no luck.

  current: (states("input_number.suncharging_current") | float )
service: keba.set_current

What do you think?

for sure it works. You have to use:

service: keba.set_current
  device_id: **ID OF YOUR KEBA**
  current: "{{ states('input_number.suncharging_current') | float }}"
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Many thanks!
…but where do i find the device_id?

My Keba only shows up as several entities?

If i use the Dev tools / Template i get “None” if i for instance try
{{ device_id(“sensor.keba_p30_total_energy”) }}

Go to dev tools > services and choose the keba set current service.
There you can pick your wallbox from the dropdown list and create a yaml service call.
Then you have all needed items for the data section.

Thank…but it looks like I’m missing something in my Keba installation. I just do not have any drop down menu?

That is strange. On my install it looks like this:

This is keba beta integration 3.0.3 from hacs and HA 2023.6.1

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Ehumm, i might not have updated it for a while :see_no_evil:


I have a Keba P30 branded as a solaredge EV and manageable via the solaredge apps.

I am able to use the integration from HA (I use the beta version 3.03 from @dannerph. Thanks a lot to him!) and it works great, except to enable/start the charge.
I suspect that is the RFID class which is wrong but I have no idea of the value to use. I tried to keep the empty value and I tried to use a value which has been sent when I started the charge via the solaredge app but both failed with error “authorization rejected”.

Any idea of the RFID class value to use?

Thanks for your help


Hi @jayjay1,

I’ve had the same issue. I’ve then started a charge within the app and were able to stop it through HA.
Since then am able to start/stop it with HA. the message of “auth rejected” still is present, but not hindering me.



I have the same problem.

Sometimes it works disabling “solar excess” in SolarEdge app.

Hi @jongbj I’m having the same SolarEdge setup (charger, battery) and use Node-Red to set the Solaredge Home Hub inverter command modes. This way I (can) maintain the home battery charge when charging the car or otherwise when I don’t want the battery to drain. Since you have this SolarEdge setup can you say something about the way the EV charger is configured and works with this. integration? Do you have a card reader installed? (I don’t and am running into an authorization error). Do you have still the SolarEdge firmware (1.14) or did you put in the Kabe firmware 1.17 already? Thanks!

Since I just spent a little too long time on debugging my scripts, I might as well share what I found here in case someone else gets bitten by it:

I have a python script that controls my EVSE based on the energy price and my current load. Since I don’t want to trip my main circuit breakers if Home Assistant goes down, I run my Keba in Failsafe mode. In order to not trip the failsafe, I periodically call set_current with my calculated maximum allowed current level. When the script wanted to stop the charging, the disable command was used.

When upgrading to version 3.0.0 of the integration, I started getting weird problems; When I stopped the charging due to high energy price, the unit restarted the charging by itself a few seconds later, causing a toggle loop which didn’t fel healthy. I didn’t have time to debug this, so I reverted to 2.4.0 until now.

After a debugging session, I realized that the set_current service of keba_kecontact now always uses the currtime command. Previously the curr command was used when delay was set to 0, which it was by default. The difference here seems to be that calling currtime with a current value other than 0 will start the charging, while curr will not.

In my case, my problem was easily solved by periodically setting current to 0 when I don’t want to charge.

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@matli Maybe add this text to issue #17 on github?

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Hm, i can choose all the stuff and push also the button (Dienst Ausführen), but nothing happens on my Keba Wall Box. What do I wrong?
Latest Home Assistant and Keba Integration is installed.

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Matli, I runned also in to same behavior with a BMW Connect charger. After authentication was disabled (on the chargers webUI) charger started as soon cable was connected, and if I stopped charging with HA-app it just started again and again.
The solution to this was automatization.
So basically how my integration is setup:
When connected, do nothing.
When disconnect set curr to 6A.
Charging is later done ether manually by setting a current (6A-16A) or setting up a start time in a schedule card.

First post/answer here at community, I have however read almost everything on this page because I was stuck with a BMW connect (Keba P30) charger that was kind of useless after our beloved car brand decide to drop all support for it.
So I want to send big thank you to you, dannerph and all other contributors on KEBA integration.
With your help my charger works better than it ever could even with BMWs app.


Did anyone manage to connect the BMW wall box gen4?
link for reference

Does it work with the input number number.abc_charging_current (“Ladestrom setzen”) ?
Maybe 22kW is too much for your model?