Ewpe Smart / Cascade Bora Air conditioning

Dit you got this working? With the gree or custom gree integration?
Or is the current option only to connect with google assistant?

Only via the google assistant.
Onze Thatcher is done you can use Google assistant sdk integration in ha and send commands by text to google, likeuren “turn on ac kitchen”

With Google SDK you dont have feedback of what is going on, you cant change it to fan mode
I tried to use the gree clima integration but when I click it it can not discover any devices… Can some1 help me out?

  • I installed the Gree+ app on my iphone
  • My EWPE devices got discovered by the app
  • I try to install the Gree Clima control integration in home assistant
  • No devices discovered → and there it stops

yeah, idd no feedback via the google SDK. The issue with the gree+ or ewpe app and the communication with the ac’s, lays in the default encryption key. Unfortunately, nobody discovered the default key yet.