Expander | Accordion | Collapsible Card

I created/forked this Expander Accordion card because I frequently use it in my own Home Assistant user interface. The card allows various sections to be expanded and collapsed, providing a clean and organized display of information. Unfortunately, the original version of this card is no longer being maintained by the original author. Therefore, I decided to fork this project and continue its development. A heartfelt thank you to the original author @Alia5 for the fantastic project and inspiration!

If you need to add specific technical details or features of the card, feel free to let me know!


@paddy0174 here we go :slight_smile:

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Nice, I like it.

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i’ve been running the fork by " [spencermamer ] for awhile , well basically since he forked it from Alia5 (and Alia5 “abandoned/dropped” his)

Now “spencermamer” seems to have removed his from both github and HACS :open_mouth: :roll_eyes: … very odd “move”

Is this some kind of curse , which path you will “maintain” :laughing: ?

Anyhow im thankful, and will make the “transfer” coming days :+1:

Highly Appreciated

EDIT: Turned out “spencermamer” just Renamed his fork, so the url had changed in Github, and probably the same reason it’s “lost” in HACS .

However , i still already find more “trust” in your engagement :slight_smile:

Done, im in, change made already
Working just fine:


Thanks for your work. I’m having a problem where the changes made to the cards are not being saved.
When I set them up they worked fine. But when I try to make changes, nothing

The cards are all basic entities cards

With some cards there is an issue when there is a inner yaml editor: see Card Mod Removed · Issue #180 · MelleD/lovelace-expander-card · GitHub

One workaorund is to use the yaml mode or create a bug and add more infos

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I’m not sure if I am missing something here but despite downloading the files unzipping and placing in the config/www/community directory I get an error that the card can not be found when I try to add the card in yaml… I note that there is no js file in the download titled lovelace-expander-card-master. Can anyone put me right on this. Thanks.

Why you don’t use HACS?

And why you don’t follow the instruction in the README?I see no step to download a zip :wink:

Where do you download “lovelace-expander-card-master”? I never saw this before

:slight_smile: Btw. you can’t avoid this as developer on Github. It will be automatically generated (the zip). I haven’t found a way to disable it.

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Yes this is cloning the repo, but also don’t get it why it is the master because the branch is main :grinning:.
But nevertheless better follow the introduction on the README to install it :sweat_smile:

Request for assistance with visual editor found on reddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/comments/1eweh5f/request_help_readding_ui_editor_support_to_the/

Hi, thanks for sharing ! :slight_smile:

I would like to do this:

like in the example. I do already use that mushroom light card, but since there is no UI editor, I can’t figure out what the yaml should look like, in order to add the expand button to the top right corner of the light card.

Here are some examples with a title card

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Sweet! that did you trick - thanks :smiley:

I’m trying to create a card in the new sections view.
When expanded, the card is behind the other cards following down.

@MelleD can you allow in the title template commands?
for example:

title: {{ state_attr("climate.buero_klimaanlage", "temperature") }}

Yes it’s possible Possible to template "expanded" state? · Issue #212 · MelleD/lovelace-expander-card · GitHub

Contribution welcome

Or just use a title card which support (like mushroom) templating

Is there a way to control the direction that it expands? Currently mine expands form the middle to expand outward up and down.

I’m wondering if there is a way to have it just expand up, or to turn the chevron (other than using rotate: 90deg because then the contents are also all sideways) so that I can put this card at the right end of my dashboard and have the entire card expand to the left?

Is there a way to hide the title-card when expanded? I tried:

  style: |
    ha-card.open {
      background: red !important;
    ha-card.open .title-card {
      display: none !important;
    ha-card.close {
      background: transparent !important;

but no luck…

Thank you very much, i still had some old expander cards working, but putting up new ones was such a hassle.

Found out that Alia5 dropped the project but the fork i found was dead already and not addable anymore.

Thank you very much, I couldn’t fork it myself